1)合格通知後にすること ---what to do after being chosen

2025年組の方々に有効になりました。Now good for 2025-gumi students.

 今後のメール連絡 e-mail from the instructor

Now let's get it started. E-mail messages from the instructor will have a subject line with a serial number like"Cambridge 2024-001". You will receive around a hundred of them before you leave for the UK in August 2025.

  All e-mail messages go to your univeristy primary mail address.
  Youshould also send your message to the instructor from that address.
  Save the messages with serial numbers in the order of arrival.
  If you find a mssing serial number, write to the instructor.
   Read & write at your univ. primary address directly, not at a
  Let the instructor know any change on the application form like your
  univ. primary e-mail address, postal address, etc. as soon as possible.
  Check your univ. primary e-mail address on a daily basis, at least once in
  two days.
  Send out your e-mail message in answer to the instructor's
  questionnaire by a designated deadline.
   Usually the instructor gives you at least three days for your reply.
  You must contact the instructor when you find you wil lbe unable to use
  email for some period due to PC repair etc.
  Send a received-with-thanks reply to a message saying it is needed.
  複を避けるために申出をお待ちします。Please somebody contact the
  instructor for setting up Line talk covering students only.

 直ちに確認すべきことと12月学習連絡会までの日程   what you confirm immediately and         theschedule untilDecember whole-day meeting

(1)対応すべきこと←Do the following

研修申込票全事項記入版提出 Full Application Form(by 12:15, Nov 5)
 Resubmit it in pdf with red parts filled in to Moodle.
・写真は要りません。You do not have to attach a photo.
 Reconsider your choice about your phone number / university primary
 e-mail address appearing on our colsed list.
 You need to allow at least your primary e-mail address to appear on the
 list, since you need them for communication in the preparation process.
  Your mobilenumber, if you use it in the UK, will be known to the
  following people for weekendtravel security purposes.
  participants / their family / kyudai staff /Pemborke staff / travel
  insurance copmany /overseas security servicestaff /

英国観光ガイドの購入 Travel Guidebook(by the end of Oct)
Buy it by the end of October and glance over it by the first meeting.
  The newest version ofChikyu no Arukikata: Britainrecommended.
  Convenient for travel prepation if all the members have the same book.
   Its Scotland version is good if your target is Sctoland. London version
   is unnecessary.
  Avoid nearby bookshops other students are likely to use.

歴史教科書の購入 British History Textbook(by the end of Oct)
下記を10月中に九大生協伊都皎皎舎書店で購入して下さい。下記(3)対応に必要。Buy the following textbook at Kyudai Coop Ito Kokosha Bookshop by the end of October. The book is necessary for (3) below.
 *Essential British History(\1500 tax excluded)(Kaibunsha)
  This book is reserved until the mandatory retuirement age of the current
  Those based on the Hospital Campus could ask their Coop bookshop to
  have the book sent from the Coop Kokosha Bookshop.

ムードル登録 Register yourself on the Moddle(by the end of Oct)
「学術英語・集中演習:ケンブリッジ大学英語・学術研修(2025組)」に登録。Locate the Moodle site for the course above and register yourself.

5点セット提出 Submit five-piece Set(by 12:15, Nov 5)
  Submit the following info to the Moodle site.
   A) ローマ字氏名 Your name in Romaji
    A passport holder should inform the spelling there.
    If you newly apply for a passport, use the same spelling on it.
   *これからの方はヘボン式を勧めます。(「づ」は zu等きちんと調べる)
    Basically use the Hepburn system of Romaji.
    You cannotboard an airplane if the e-ticket and the passport use
    differentspellings. You are responsible for this, not the instructor.
  B)自己紹介メッセージ Brief self-introduction message
    To appear on the closed list of participants.
    Within 34 em letters including punctuation. No need of your name,
    undergraduate school & grade.
    ex. football buff / Harry Potter fan ...
  C)ニックネーム Nickname
    The instructor isrequired to let Pembroke College know your
    nicknames. For thesake of simplicity, let the instructor choose your
    full given name.That's covenient for the staff members of the
    college.Use it in the pre-course in Kyudai and in the UK.
    Don'tuse anything else in the UK. It would cause a confusion.
  D)下記(2)「英国研究」担当希望 British Study preference in (2) below
  E)下記(3)「英国の歴史」担当希望 British History preference in (3) below

クレジットカード Credit Cards(within a month or so)
まだお持ちでない方は申込手続を開始して下さい。You need to have one soon.  *英国では地下鉄含めほぼクレカタッチ決済で、現金不可の店もあります。
  Almost every purchase including underground is based on a contactless   payment in the UK. Some shops accept no cash.
 *早ければ12月にはホテル予約で必要になります。You may also need one
  when you book your hotels in December at earliest.
 *VISA か MASTERを(JCB等の日本系はほぼ使えないです)。
  VISA or MASTER (Most Japanese ones are no good like JCB.)
 *カード面の氏名のローマ字綴りはパスポート上の表記と同一にして下さい 。
  Your name on the cards should ideally be spelled just like your passport.
  Make sure to keep your identification number and a phone number to
  call when you canvel your card after you have lost it or had it stolen.
  From past participants: Better to have two to be prepared for service
  suspension and increase credit limit.

学研学研災加入 Gakkensai insurance(by early part of April 2025)
学研災付帯の海外旅行保険(グループとして加入するため全員強制加入)のため 、学研災本体に未加入の方は、九大生協で加入願います。All of you will be required to buy the group overseas travel insurance attached to Gakkensai (insurance for university life), and therefore you have to take out Gakkensai itself.
 *4月~3月の年度単位料金設定なので忘れないなら来年4月加入でも可です。  Gakkensai contract is based on academic year. This means that you can   join it during the early part of April (but not later than that).  
*学研災本体は伊都皎皎舎の他、大橋店、イースト店、ウェストの店舗、医学部   購買書籍店 でも加入できます。You can take out Gakkensai at branches of   Kyudai Coop in Ito, Ohashi or Hospital Campus.

(2)英国研究 British Studies
 Let the instructor know via Moodle 6 British Study itemnumbersof your
 choice inthe orderof preferenceby 12:30, Tuesday Nov 5.
ひとり1件の発表です。Onepresentation per participant.
 You will be assigned to the leftover if you are not in time for the deadline
 or don't select 6 items.
 may be given what you haven't chosen if the arrangement doesn't go well.
  Whensome item remains unchosen, it goes to a participant who was
  lateinapplication for this program.
 The participants tend to choose only popular items.
 The contens of presentation should be something introductory, general
 and exhaustive,not biased by your personal preferences.
 Slides (within 15MB) should be madeeither in Japanese or in English
 whilepresentation languageis Japanese.Font size is 36pt or larger. Ifthe
 slides are in Japanese, addEnglishtranaslation toimportant terms.
 Show your name and the item title (put the serial number too).

 Later on you will be informed of your item and asked to submit slidesby
 some laterpart of March.
発表10分+質疑3-4分+教員コメント1-2分で御準備下さい。Presentation 10
 minutes + Q&A 3-4 minutes + comment from the instructor 1-2 minutes.
  Presentations will be made in whole-day meetings in April/June/August.
 コーナーの英国区画にそろえています。See the books in the British shelves
 of the overseas/study-abroad section on Floor 4 of the cenral library.

研究項目 items
 1)ケンブリッジ大学概要:basics of the University of Cambridge
   internal structure / schools & colleges / museums / research institute
 2)ペンブロークカレッジ概要:basics of Pembroke College
   history / alumni / number of students / tuition / int'l programs
 3)ケンブリッジ大各カレッジ概要:basics of each college
   est year / locations / well-known alumini /features
   Constitution / cabinet / parliament / parties & election / kingdom
 5)医療・社会保障制度:medical & welfarfe systems
   GP / NHS / hospitals / ambulance / pension
 6)国内外問題:international & domestic issues
   Brexit / EU離脱、外交路線、軍事力、スコットランドの独立問題等
   history (people and works) / Shakespeare / children's literature
 8)英語の歴史:history of English
   genealogy of European languages / English words of foreign origin
 9)演劇・ミュージカル:plays and musicals
   all-time famous ones / playrights / theatre / current West-End ones
   all-time famous ones / directors & actors
 11)クラシック音楽:classical music
   composers / orchestra /concerts / music in Canbridge
 12)ポピュラー音楽:popular music
   rock / pops / ethnic
   sports of British origin / football / tennis / golf / cricket / croquet
 14)伝統的建築様式:architectual styles in history
   Romanesque / Gothic / Neoclassical / Baroque / Georgian
 15)科学者と業績:science and achievements
   science in Britain and achievements / scientists in Cambridge
   introduction to UK / Angilican Church / sects / cathedral structure
   famous traditional dishes / vegetarians
 18)酒類:alchoholic drinks
   various ales / whiskies / ciders / gins / pimm's / pubs
   stylistic change in history / types / famous gardens
   painters / works / stylistic history / art museums / pictoral technique
   countries / crown dependencies / territories / layers of municipalities
 22)王室と貴族:The Royal Family and nobles
   royal family (politics & finance) / nobles and their titles and life
 23)地理的条件:geographical features
   landform / climate / population / sunrise & sunset / summer time
 24)教育制度と大学のランク:education and university rankings
   school system / public schools / univ entrance exam / univ rankings

(3)英国の歴史(教科書に沿って)British History
 ドルで提出 Let the instructor know via Moodle 5 British History item
 numbers of your choice foreachof the two groups in the order of
 preferenceby 12:30 Tuesday Nov 5.
 2 presentations per participant. Presentation 5 minutes + no Q&A +
 comment from the instructor 1 minute.
 You will be assigned to the leftover if you are not in time for the deadline  or don't select 5 items for each group.
・調整がうまくいかない場合、希望していないものが当たることがあります。You  may be given what you haven't chosen if the arrangement doesn't go well.
  When some item remains unchosen, it goes to a participant who was
  late in application for this program.
 The participants tend to choose only popular items.
 The contents of presentation should follow the textbook and put an
 emphasis on being easy to understand.
・パワポスライド (5MB以内) の言語は日英両語可、文字36pt以上、口頭発表は
 PowerPoint Slides (within 5MBfont size36pt or larger) should be made
 either in Japanese or inEnglishwhile your presentation is Japanese. If the
 slides are inJapanese, addEnglish tranaslationsto important terms.
 images andtables. If they are not your own but cited, show their sources.
 Later on you will be informed of your items and asked to submit slides.
  Presentations will be made in our meetings.
  Submit your slides (within5MB) by 12:30 on the previous day of the
 コーナーの英国区画にそろえています。See the books in the British shelves
 of the overseas/study-abroad section on Floor 4 of the cenral library

【前半】ここから第5位まで選びます。Choose 5 from among 1-24.
 1)p04:Early Britain
 2)p05:Roman Britain
 3)p06:Britain in Anglo-Saxon Times (1)
 4)p07:Britain in Anglo-Saxon Times (2)
 5)p08:The Normans (1)
 6)p09:The Normans (2)
 7)p10:The Plantagenets (1)
 8)p11:The Plantagenets (2)
 9)p12:The Church in the Middle Ages (1)
10)p13:The Church in the Middle Ages (2)
11)p14:Plantagenet foreign affairs (1)
12)p15:Plantagenet foreign affairs (2)
13)p16:The medieval economy (1)
14)p17:The medieval economy (2)
15)p18:The early Tudors (1)
16)p19:The early Tudors (2)
17)p20:The later Tudors (1)
18)p21:The later Tudors (2)
19)p22:The Early Stuarts (1)
20)p23:The Early Stuarts (2)
21)p24:The Later Stuarts (1)
22)p25:The Later Stuarts (2)
23)p26:The Agricultural Revolution
24)p27:The Commercial Revolution

【後半】ここから第5位まで選びます。Choose 5 from among 25-48.
25)p28:The early 18th century (1)
26)p29:The early 18th century (2)
27)p30:18th century wars (1)
28)p31:18th century wars (2)
29)p32:The later 18th century (1)
30)p33:The later 18th century (2)
31)p34:The Industrial Revolution (1)
32)p35:The Industrial Revolution (2)
33)p36:19th century home affairs (1)
34)p37:19th century home affairs (2)
35)p38:19th century home affairs (3)
36)p39:19th century foreign affairs (1)
37)p40:19th century foreign affairs (2)
38)p41:19th century foreign affairs (3)
39)p42:World War I 1914-18 (1)
40)p43:World War I 1914-18 (2)
41)p44:Social and political change 1900-1939 (1)
42)p45:Social and political change 1900-1939 (2)
43)p46:World War II 1939-45 (1)
44)p47:World War II 1939-45 (2)
45)p48:Britain after 1945 (1)
46)p49:Britain after 1945 (2)
47)p50:Britain after 1945 (3)
  (from the end of the textnook to the present: outside of our textbook)

(4)先輩から from past participants
 This program is really wonderful, but whether it will be lifetime experience
 depends on how earnestly you tackle with the preparatory session in
 Japan and you cling to what appears in front of you in the UK. Studying at
 Cambridge is once-in-a-lifetime experience, in which you should get more
 than simply feeling pleasant. Enjoy every moment in Cambridge greedily
 on the basis of your careful preparation so that it may be the fuel to get
 you to go for the rest of your life.

(5)諸注意:研修キャンセル cancelation charge risk
 You became obliged on Oct 3 topay for your cancellation charge.
  Should you withdraw from this progam, you may pay for the cost at the
  Successful students are finally chosen the FLC faculty metting on Oct 24.

(6)諸注意:事前会合と学習連絡会 meetings
 は全面参加が必要です。You need to attend the whole-day meetings on
 12/7, 4/6, 6/14 and 8/11 in addition to other shorter meetings.
  "Other shorter meetings" are below.Details are given on the page of
  thewhole-day meeting in December (tba).

  全て教室はセンター1405教室。The veune is all 1405 in the Center Zone.  〇11月06日(水)12:15-12:45(Monday Schedule)
  〇01月07日(火)18:20-19:05(Monday Schedule)
  〇01月15日(水)12:15-12:45(Monday Schedule)
 Attend the party after each whole-day meeting as you pledged.

7)諸注意:担当教員と届け物 the instructor and his office
 You can enter the East Building #1 only 7am-9pm on weekdays. Be
 careful when you visit there to deliver your homework assignments.
  His office is E-C-333 on floor 3 of the East Building #1.

8)お知らせ:現地週末旅行 weekend travel in the UK
詳細は「旅行準備」(custom11.html) のページを御覧下さい。See "prep for
 travel in the UK" page (custom11.html) fordetails other than the following
  The following is the very basics for your temporary planning of your
  weekendtravel destinations.
 The first travel is 8/30 or 8/31 and the second travel is 9/5-7.
 Which day the first travel is will be clear after you get to the UK, and
 therefore you should not make any booking.
 You could bookCaledonian Sleeper leaving London on 9/4.
 Form your travel group and decide on your itinerary as soon as possible.
 月は1回目に充てたいです。Discuss the second travel first and make a plan
 by December for booking of accommodations and trains. Use January for
 the first travel.
寝台列車 (1年前から)、ハリポタスタジオ、ミュージカル等予約の要る場合はい
 つから予約可か調べ、なるべく早く予約を。Find outwhen bookings of
 popular features like Harry Potter Studio and musicals start and book
 themimmediately. Caledonian Sleeper can be booked a year in advance.
 おく必要があります。You need to roughly think about where to visit in the
 second travel by the first meeting.
  部分を必死に読んできて下さい。If you have no particular preferences,
  read your guidebook intensively for spots between Edinburgh and York.
本HPの「イギリスを巡る」のページを参考にして下さい。You could consult
 with the instructor's "Travel around the UK" page.
 Make sure to visit the British shelves of the overseas / study-abroad
 section of floor 4 of the Kyudai central library to see what kind of books
 are there before the first meeting.

 12月学習連絡会までの対応事項一覧 What you need to do before the whole-day meeting in December

【10月末まで】by the end of Oct
歴史教科書購入 history textbook
旅行ガイドブックの購入 travel guidebook
ムードルへの登録 register on Moodle

【11月5日12:15まで】by 12:15, Nov 5
 the 5-piece set
研修申込票全事項記入版 full application form with new info

【11月最初の会合まで】by the first meeting
旅行ガイドによるラフな旅行先個人検討 consider weekend travel destinations
 books about Britan in the central library

クレジットカード作成 credit cards

【12月までのことではないですが:4月始めまで】by early part of April
学研災未加入者の新規加入 Gakkensai