This page is good for the 2025 program (3/23/2024). (Revised 7/25/2024).
短期研修です short-term study-abroad program
★この研修の現地研修部分は短期海外研修で、英語「を」学ぶ研修ではなく英語「で」学ぶ研修です。Learn English & learn in English.
In alonger program, the initial joy is usually followed by hardship.
In this short-term program, the initial joy may last until the end.
This program aims at producing the best pleasure and happiness of a
short-term program.
★それがきちんとしてこそ、その先につながると信じるからです。That is
because we believethat tjey will lead the participants to the next step.
The summer part in Cambridge is preceded by 9-month prior preparatory
sessions in Kyushu University to maxmize the effect of the summer part.
この研修の魅力 advantages of this program
・世界最高峰ケンブリッジ大学カレッジ正規夏期コース生として夏を送ります。The participants stay in Pembroke College, the University of Cambridge as
students of its summer school program.
機会です。Pembroke College Circle という同窓生組織にも登録されます。The
participants of this program will be given an officialcertificate from the
director of the international programmes. They are also registered as an
alumni network members of Pembroke College Circle.
(キャンパス内のメインの建物に滞在します)。The participants stay on
campus in Cambridge, the university with the largest number of Nobel
Prize winners that has boasted of great people like Newton.
・9カ月にわたる事前研修があります。9-month Prior sessions.
参加者のGPA/英語力 GPA/English ability requirement
・九州大学の授業で良好な成績(GPA)をおさめられるレベルが前提。A Good GPA of academic subjects is an advantage.
A good TOEFL-ITP score is an advange, but not a requirement.
Participant selection depends on the number of applicants, application
documents,interviews, GPA, and TOEFL-ITP scores.
現地研修予定内容 expected experience in Cambridge
Courses will be taught inthe college and in other parts of the university.
・現地研修の授業科目は成蹊大学と共同で行われます。The program in the
college is shared by Kyushu University and Seikei University.
*例年3人の教員の異なるクラスを履修します。Usually taught by 3 teachers.
*1クラス原則12名までになります。1 class basically has up to 12 students.
one course to be selected / one course may be reduced
"Art & Architecture in the 20th Century", "Modern Art in Britain",
"Anthropology", "Science in Cambridge"
【夜はどうなるの?】after school
・平日は原則として市内にいていただきます。Stay within the city on weekdays.
・ジュニア・パーラーという社交室有。The participants can use Junior Parlour.
The participants stay on campus and therefore spend time together.
Basically free but some event will be organized by the professor in charge.
Group travel will be possible under some conditions.
・2024年夏の予定(in the case of 2024 program):
weekend 1: one day for hiking & punting (mandatory); another day free
weekend 2: three free days
weekend 3: two free days
2025 students only have two weekends & 4 days for holidays due to
See http://yubunsuzuki.com/itemlist.html for British sightseeing spots.
・ 事前研修では週末を旅行に充てることを前提に、準備指導も行います。
The participants learn in the prior sessions how to be prepared for travel.
Thanks to the long period of preparation, the participants can carefully
devise travel plans, book hotels,trains, musicals etc. well in advance.
【課外行事】extracurricular but required to attend
★市内ツアー city tour:
The college offers a walking tour of nearby places.
★晩餐会(formal hall):
Three formal halls formally dressed like Harry Potter. (fee included)
★果樹園ツアー hiking to outdoor tea house for lunch:
The professor in charge leads this tour. (lunch to be separately paid for)
★パンティング punting:
a short chaufeurred boat trip on the River Cam (fare to be separately paid)
★クリームティ cream tea:
British tea time experience (to be separately paid for)
【任意参加課外行事】extracurricular and free to attend
The following are examples of activities organized in the past by student
assistants (called PAs (programme assistants)). Some of them are paid
★スポーツ sports:
croquet on campus, football on Pembroke Sports Ground, etc.
★観劇 plays:
outdoor plays of Shakespeare, ABC theatre, etc.
★音楽会 music:
mini concerts everywhere (especially classical)
Sometimes Pembroke College pipe organ practice is heard.
★パブ pubs:
市街に50軒程パブあり。around 50 pubs in the city centre
★食事会 meal tour:
fish & chips, steak, udon, sushi, ramen, Chinese,Thai,VietNam
★タレントショー talent show:
いわゆる隠し芸大会です。2023では講堂利用。in the auditorium in 2023
【スケジュールの例】expected schedule
2025 schedule is not clear at present. See below for 2024 schedule.
The participants experience many other things like study sessions and
activities for pleasure apart from the schedule below.
Exclusively for Kyushu/Seikei students.
★日大等も、ペンブロークの統括のもとに研修しています。Students of Nhion
University and other institutions study in the college too.
A summer program for a group from a Japanese national university is
quite rare.
↓(planned for 2024 participants)
8/19 福岡出発 羽田前泊 Fukuoka > Tokyo
8/20 出国 ケンブリッジ到着 現地説明会 Tokyo > Cambridge
8/21 諸手続、大学案内、図書館説明、市内案内 guidance / city tour
8/22 授業開始、集合写真、歓迎晩餐会 1st classes / photo / formal hall 1
8/24-25 隣村グランチェスターへハイキング+パンティング等 hiking & free
8/30-9/01週末旅行第1回(2泊)3 free days
9/ ?? 中間晩餐会 formal hall 2
9/07-08 週末旅行第2回(1泊)2 free days
9/09 授業終了、最終試験、修了式+送別晩餐会 final classes / exam /
certificate ceremony / formall hall 3
9/10 安息日 rest
9/11 出発 Cambridge > London >
9/12 帰国 > Tokyo > Fukuoka
事前研修 prior sessions at Kyushu University
【スケジュール】★11月~1月ミーティング:weekday sessions Nov 2024 - Jan 2025
Noon recess or period 5 of the same day(s) of the week. Make sure that your part-time job does not prevent you from attending noon recesss sessions.
Weekday sessions are difficult for those who are second or higher graders
in Ohashi or Hospital campus, but they could apply because they could
attend weekday sessions online (with some diffiuclty in group works).
Monday &/or Friday noon recess in the case of 2024 participants
★12/07/2025(Sat)学習連絡会1:December 7 weekend session 1
guidance on study, preparation, and weekend travel
★04/06/2025(Sun)学習連絡会2:April 6 weekend session 2
presentations about the UK
★06/14/2025(Sat)学習連絡会3:June 14 weekend session 3
preparations like what to take with you to Cambridge
★08/11/2025(Mon=holiday)学習連絡会4:August 11 weekend session 4
guidance on the summer part in the UK
★英国に関する調査発表:research on things in the UK
★英国史の学習:brief English history
★発音研修:English (sounds)
★自己英語学習:English (self-study)
★英単語テスティング:vocabulary testing
★現地研修週末旅行の準備:preparation for weekend travel
★英国地誌の学習:places in Britain
★テーブルマナーの講習:table manners
★ケンブリッジの準備:studying things in Cambridge
★前年参加者の講話:talk by participants in the past
★グループ学習会:voluntary group sessions
★同窓会:alumni association
過去の研修参加者が集う同窓会に加入していただきます。年1回のニューズレター等の配信を受けるだけです。The only activity is an annual newsletter.
動画・写真集 movie & photos
Video introducing Pembroke College, click on the photo below.

ペンブロークカレッジとは Pembroke College?
・このカレッジは1347年Countess of Pembrokeによりケンブリッジ大学31カレ
This college was established in 1347 by the Countess of Penbroke as the
3rd oldest college (among 31) of theUniversity of Cambridge.
This college was top among 31 colleges in the average scores of 2003/06
/07 term final exams.
・15世紀前半、ペンブロークの3人のフェロー がヘンリー六世の顧問官に。
In the early 15th century, three fellows of the college became councilors
of King Henry VI.
・国王は、彼らの勧告を容れて、Kings Collegeを創立しました。
The Kingestablished Kings College on the basis of their recommendation.
・学長だったRichard Foxeがオックスフォード大にコーパスクリスティカレッジ
を創立。The former Master of this college established Corpus Christi
College, the University of Oxford.
・詩人で有名。16世紀Edmund Spencerと18世紀のThomas Gray。The college
had famous poets like Edmund Spencer (16C) and Thomas Gray (18C).
・英国史上最年少で首相となったWilliam Pitt the Younger(小ピット)も在籍。
The college had Willian Pitt the Younger, the youngest prime minister.
・1911年、経済学者Meynard Keynesがカレッジの初代経済学研究科長に就任。
John Maynard Keynes became the first Director of Studies in economics of
the college in 1911.
・1984年には、ペンブローク出身のTed HughesがPoet Laureateに。
Ted Hughes (from the college) became the Poet Laureate in 1984.
・カレッジのチャペルはChristopher Wrenのケンブリッジでの最初の作品。
The college chapel is the first work of Christopher Wren in Cambridge.
・特に東洋学に傑出、19世紀末以降中東やアジアと関係の深い人材を数多く輩出。 The college has produced lots of people of Oriental studies since late 19C.
・夏目漱石が入学を打診(学費が高く入学できなかった)。Natsume Soseki
wanted to enter the college but did not due to the high tuition.
・フェローの専攻分野:Fellows' research fields
engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics, zoology, law, economics,
literature, anthropology, history, etc.
・カレッジ受入学部学生数は、年110-120で推移。The college admits110-120
undergraduate students on average. (old info)
The college admits around 140 graduate students on average. (old info)
The college started a vacation program with the University of Calfornia in
【ケンブリッジ大学の制度】university structure & tuition
うカレッジとに大別。The University of Cambridge consists of schools,
colleges, and other institutions. A college has researchers (fellows) and
students of various majors and offers supervision (and accommodation).
・教員も学生も、学部とカレッジの二重戸籍になります。Researchers and
students belong to a school and a college at the same time.
Researchers and students of the same major (school) may belong to
different colleges.
Researchers (fellows) and students of the same college may belong to
different schools.
・学部は3年制で教養課程はありません。Graduation from an undergraduate
school requires 3 years. They include no general education period.
・学費 tuition
International students (larger in number than home students)pay
differentamountsoftuition depending on their schoolswhich ae much
higher than those of home students.
*university feeが2024年現在年間文系で9,250ポンド(留学生25,734ポンド)
Annual university fee 2024-2025 is 9,250GBP for home students and
25,734GBP for international students. (students of humanities)
*ペンブロークの college fee(2024年現在年間11,964ポンド)を加算
Students have to pay annual college fee too (11,964GBP 2024-2025).
*寮に住むとさらにその費用もカレッジに払います。Those students living on
campus have to pay for their accommodation too.
他の研修との違い What is special about this program?
【ケンブリッジ大学で学べること】study at Cambridge------------------------------------------
Cambridge has the largest number of Nobel Prize winners.
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult even for Kyushu students to be a
regular student there.
Participation in a program directly organized by the college is valuable.
This program is definitely different from frequently advertized programs
run by language schools renting classrooms of a college for summer.
Accommodation will be a brand-newbuilding close to the main site from
ことができる機会はまたとありません。It is a valuable experience to be
taught by instructors who belong to a college of, or posess PhD from, the
University of Cambridge (Cantab.) and receive an offical certificate of
【手厚い現地の受入体制であること】warm hospitality
Formal Hall (banquet) in a style from the middle ages
drink reception on the lawn (court) or in a miagnificent room
・九大成蹊グループ専属の現地学生プログラムアシスタント(両大合計7名程度) around 7 Programme Assistants (PAs: current undergraduate/graduate
students of the University of Cambridge) solely in charge of the Kyushu
/Seikei group
staying on campus in a room (single-occupancy or double-occupancy)
like regular students
a frequent optional activities (some need fee)
The college has a pub on campus (closed in summer).
【事前研修を手厚く行うこと】intensive prior sessions
・前年11月より9か月実施。9-month prior sessions (November to August)
The professor in charge conducts sessions on learning English, British
culture, weekend travel, etc.
4 whole-day meetings and 10-15 sessions will be offered.
Frequent communication are conducted (usually participants receive
nearly 100 e-mail messages from the professor in charge during the
preparatory period.
【九大生が切磋琢磨し思い出を共有する生涯の友人関係を構築】establishment of lifelong friendship with group members
This is a group program with 23-30 Kyushu students for more than
10 months.
・参加者は生涯の友人関係の始まりと言っています。The participants in the past
say that this program is the beginning of lifelong friendship.
The advantages of this program includes the happiness of having
comradeswith all the same experience,feelings, and memories of
enhancing each other.
Actually, some groups often have private sessions and parties.
The participants often hold a reunion even after graduating Kyushu U.
Recently, SNS-based communication seems to continue for a long time.
program as English subject offered by the Faculty of
Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University
This program gives successful participants 2 credits of "Academic
English Intensive Course".
The professor in charge could give no credits in the worst case.
The 2 credits do not make it unnecessary to take "expert English" in
some courses of someundergraduate schools.
This program is organized by some committee of the Faculty of
Languages and Cultures. Financial aid available (scholarship).
But the professor in charge is responsible for conrete details.
lifecourses of participants in the past
★交換留学(study abroad on exchange programs)
UK:U of Bristol / Newcastle U (PhD Program) / U of Glasgow /U of
Shrewsbury / London U SOAS /
USA:Rice U / U of Washington / Alabama State U / U of Georgia
Canada:U of British Columbia (PhD) /
Australia:U of Queensland /
Hong Kong:Chinese U of Hong Kong /
Singapore:National U of Singapore
Netherlands:Tilberg U
Iceland:Iceland U /
Sweden:Uppsala U /
Germany:Munic Technical U /
★自力留学(study abroad by oneself)
UK:University of Cambridge /London School of Hygiene and Tropical
USA:Yale U (PhD program) / MIT (PhD)
Italy:U of Rome (PhD)
★国内進学(go on to a graduate school in Japan)
U of Tokyo
★海外研究(research abroad)
Harvard U
JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan
Ministry of Finance Japan
Kyushu University (assistant professor / clerks)
【英国の魅力】Britain is attractive
歩いた担当教員から見ても大変魅力的です。 また、夏は12-25度と快適です。
【ケンブリッジの魅力】Cambridge is attractive
Cambridge is often said to be the best place to live in in England.
The University is in the city centre and includes spacious gardens. A river
runs through the university.
The magnificent outlools of colleges attract a lot of tourists.
participants say they can study intensively in this beautiful environment.
The city is comfptably rural and urban, making visitors want to live there.
研修スケジュールと参加者の制限 limited application
2024年度は8月19日出発、9月12日帰国ですが、募集する2025年組はカレンダーのいたずら等により週末が2回になるため、授業時間は同一ですが、8/23福岡発、9/13福岡着の予定です。現地日程は固まったのですが、航空券手配の関係で出発が多少早まったり、帰国が多少遅くなったりすることが考えられます。The 2025 programme schedule is basically 8/23-9/13 (a little shorter than usual due to calenar [only 2 weekends], but no shortenings of class time), but a couple of days might be different depending on the availability of flights.
・日本国籍がない場合if you donot have Japanese nationality
Make suire to find outwhether or not your residential status in Japan
and the rules of yourscholarship allow you to visit the UK directly from
Japan. Should theBritish consulate reject issuing a visa for you and you
have to withdrawfrom the program after we send the fee to the college
in June/July, the refund might be only partial.
Make sure that you are free during the program in the UK from anything
required to join like a mandatory intensive course, exams, a job
training program, your undergraduate schools' own study-abroad or
international programs, or important sports events. Some of them are
mentioned below. If the particiants find any of the following applies to
them, they have to withdraw from the program immediately at the risk of
cancellation charge.
The info below may be obsolete. Make sure to obtain the newest info.
問合せ下さい。Be careful with overlap between the summer part of the
program and the exam period (includingmake-up exams) of Kyushu.
も参加者があり 、現地で協力し合って試験対策をしているようです。日程重複
Medical departments:There are semester-final exams in September.
The participants from thse departments in the past made acooperative
endeavor during their stay in the UK on preparation for the exams.
Nursing department:Be careful with nursing training program.
School of Dentistry:There may be overlap between the semester-final
exam and the stay in the UK. Contact the teaching affairs section office
of dentistry for the special consideration scheme.
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences:Students of Soyaku Kagaku Kahave
a chance to apply for the international course whenthey become second
graders.Students of Rinsho Kagaku Ka may face the overlap between
this program and some obligatory training session.
students should have a look at http://yubunsuzuki.com/custom2.html.
School of Economics:Students of economics have a chance to apply for
GproE. GproE is incompatible with this program.
It is not easy for those based on medical or design campus who are in
their second grade or higher at the timeof application to attend an
interview or join weekday meetings duringNov-Jan.But there is an online
ので不安な方はお断りします。Those in their final grade close to graduation
in the academic year of the program in Cambridge should refrain from
application if they might be asked by the company to hire them after
graduation to do something for them during the summer.
You shouldnot apply for this if you have to temporarily come back to
Japan during theprogram in Cambridge.
ながらの辞退となりえます。Graduate students can apply, but would-be
graduate students should do so at the risk of failure in the graduate
scfhool entrance examination, which deprives them of the qualification(a
student of Kyushu University) of attending the program in Cambridge in
the middle of prior sessions.
Those scheduled or planning to apply for a similar short-term program for
spring holidays in the middle of the prior session of our program should
refrain from applying for ours if the dual-track study is too heavy.
宿泊等 accommodations in Cambridge
・ペンブロークカレッジの学寮の個室(1~2人部屋)に宿泊します。On-campus accommodations, single-occupancy or double-occupancy.
・キャンパス内の建物になります。on-campus living
No homestay option is available.
・二人部屋なら少し安くなります (7万程度) が自由に選べるわけではありません。
Double-occupancy rooms are less costly per capita than single-occupancy
rooms, but they are limited in number.
Meal cards will be given to cover three meals on weekdays except special
安全対策 safety
【御了解いただく基本事項】basic policies------------------------------------------
The group is "basically"accompanied by the professor(s) in charge on the
way to and from (and in) Cambridge.
The summer program is operated by the college.
The professor in charge and the Faculty of Languages and Cultures are
only partly responsible for the summer program operation.
致します。Weekend rroup trip participants are responsible for their own
safety, although travel planning may be given by a professor in charge and
all the particiants have to join the emergency management scheme
recommended by Kyushu University.
【安全対策】safety measures
All the participants are required to join the overseas travel insurance
recommended by the university and a special contract to cover the
possbile payment to the college in the case where the Japanese
government prohibits us from visiting the UK while the UK government
does not (in this case the college claims the fee of the program even if it
iscancelled due to the decision solely by the Japanese government).
All the participants are required to join the emergency management
scheme J-TAS recommended by Kyushu University.
The college is also insured for the summer school.
Full safety instruction like passport issues is given duing the prior
・行きの航空機は前泊し、早朝出発の乗り遅れを回避します。On the way to the
UK, we stay at Tokyo Haneda Airport in order to prevent participants from
failing to get together early in the morning at Fukuoka Airport.
The students may go to a clinic in Cambridge for free thanks to the NHS
scheme and visit Cambridge University hospital, paying personally and
having reimbursement later.
Cambridge is relatively safe place for a British city.
募集人員 the number to be recruited
過去の参加者は以下のようになっています。year / participants / number in a contract (2007 - )
●第 1回1996年 15名 (廣田名誉教授(現在)の引率)
●第 2回1997年 38名
●第 3回1998年 52名 募集定員約50名
●第 4回1999年 52名 募集定員約50名(この回から世話教員鈴木も引率)
●第 5回2000年 51名 募集定員約50名
●第 6回2001年 53名 募集定員約50名
●第 7回2002年 53名 募集定員約50名
●第 8回2003年 50名 募集定員約50名
●第 9回2004年 44名 募集定員約50名(鈴木不参加、志水助教授引率)
●第10回2005年 35名 募集定員約30名
●第11回2006年 29名 募集定員約30名
●第12回2007年 34名 募集定員25-35名
●第13回2008年 34名 募集定員25-35名
●第14回2009年 24名 募集定員25-35名
●第15回2010年 40名 募集定員25-35名(同僚志水准教授も参加)
●第16回2011年 30名 募集定員25-35名
●第17回2012年 31名 募集定員30-33名(鈴木帰路引率/志水准教授引率)
●第18回2013年 30名 募集定員29-32名(鈴木不参加、志水准教授引率)
●第19回2014年 29名 募集定員28-30名
●第20回2015年 30名 募集定員28-30名
●第21回2016年 29名 募集定員28-30名(同僚内田准教授も前半引率)
●第22回2017年 29名 募集定員27-30名(3名で分担引率)
●第23回2018年 29名 募集定員27-30名(成蹊5名)
●第24回2019年 28名 募集定員27-30名(成蹊8名)(2名で分担引率)
● 2020年 新型コロナの影響により中止
● 2021年 新型コロナの影響により中止
● 2022年 新型コロナの影響により中止
●第25回2023年 24名 募集定員19名(成蹊41名)
●第26回2024年 24名 募集定員23-30名(成蹊25名)(2名で分担引率)
●第27回2025年 募集定員23-30名
九州大学の他の研修 other programs of Kyushu Univ.
There are similar programs elsewhere in Kyushu University. Be advised
that applicants start to take on the risk of cacellation charge on the day of
the preliminary meeting of the executive meeting of the Faculty of
Languages and Cultures, which discusses which applicants to accept.
*オーストラリア・カナダ英語研修 (an English training program in
国際部による。by International Office
*ELEP (Engineering Leaders English Program)
Q2PEC (Qshu-Queensland Program for English Communication):
九大工学部生用。工学部事務にお尋ねを。for engineering students
*経済学部グローバル・ディプロマプログラム (GproE):
イーストの教務課経済担当でお尋ねください。for economics students
*他時限プロジェクト等によるもの等いろいろ学内でもあります。some others
費用について Cost
【参加総費用として徴収する金額】fee to be collected------------------------------------------
The final cost in Yen is fixed in April or May.
The following is the cost including the past.
・二人部屋は幾分安くなります。Double occupancy rooms are less costly.
*2002年 66.0万円
*2003年 67 万円台
*2004年 68.5万円
*2005年 67.6万円
*2006年 69.0万円
*2007年 77.0万円(ポンド暴騰)
*2008年 72.0万円
*2009年 61 万円強
*2010年 58.5万円
*2011年 60.1万円
*2012年 68.0万円
*2013年 71.9万円
*2014年 78.1万円(ポンド暴騰)
*2015年 79.4万円(ポンド暴騰)
*2016年 72.3万円
*2017年 72.4万円
*2018年 75.9万円
*2019年 75.6万円(一人部屋)
*2020年 新型コロナの影響で中止
*2021年 新型コロナの影響で中止
*2022年 新型コロナの影響で中止
*2023年 113万円(=自己負担額+奨学金(個人により変動))
*2024年 129万円(=自己負担額+奨学金(15万または20万))single
*2025年 為替レート(1ポンド=199円)・航空券 (36万円台) が2024年組
(Sorry no English translation of the purple part above.)
【2025年組応募の方々への注記】for 2025 participants = those who apply
during May - October 2024 and stay in Cambridge in the summer 2025
<FLC scholarship for this program>
The following applies to the applicants for the 2025 program.
◎1ポンド200円以上の場合 :40万円
◎1ポンド140円未満の場合 :05万円
(Sorry no English translation of the purple part above.)
The money source is limited and apply for the scholarship when needed.
Thisscholarship allows the recipients to obtain another financial aid, but
thataid may ban being doubly aided by different scholarships.
This scholarship is based on the following fundings.
donation from an individual (2022)
crowdfunding (2023)
donation thorugh the university from various individuals (2024-2027)
★徴収総額の予想について expected total cost to be collected
The total costof 2024 will be clear in May. Applicants for the 2025
program are expectedto estimate the total cost by themselves on the
basis of the following. Themost recalcitrant factor is the JPY-GBP
exchange rate. Please allow for thefluctuation due to unpredictable
change of the rate.
The sum of the following 1/2/3 isthe total cost. Applicants should pay the
amount smaller than the total bythe financial aid from the scholarship.
*1:カレッジに支払う金額fee to be paid to the college
3900GBP in 2023 and 4470 in 2024. The difference was twice larger than
had been expected due to insufficient (by mistake on the part of the
college) raise of some personnel cost. The fee has greatly risen due to the
recent rise of the commodity prices in the UK (more than 10%) and weak
JPY. In addition, the final cost in JPY also depends on the exchange rate.
The total cost, unfortunately, is extremely unlikely to get back to years
before 2019. The total cost includes the following things:
around 7 programme assistants (CU students) (split between KU and
coach trips between Heathrow and Cambridge
*2:往復交通費(前泊費含む)transportation including a hotel at Haneda
前後です。下記の費用が内訳です。Around 26 man yen up until 2019 but 42
man yen in 2023 and 36 man yen (estimated) in 2024. It consists of:
*「航空券+諸費用」air fare + surcharge + other related cost
hotel at Haneda (required due to the earlier departure due to a route
avoiding Russia and needed, after the detour is over, to prevent
oversleepers from being unable to catch the international flight)
*3:追加の費用additonal cost
2024年組以降は下記で合計2万円程度が加算となります。In 2024 or later,
additional cost of around 2 man yen is necessary like the following:
overseas travel insurance (taking out as a group)
*「海外留学生安全対策協議会の危機管理サ ービス J-TAS」
emergency management service (as a group)
special insurance(in preparation for the situation where somthing like a
new pandemic breaks out after the fee payment to the college but the
fee is not returned because the UK does not reject visitors from Japan
while Japan does not allow the visit to the UK)
★個人払いの費用individual cost
In addition to the cost above, participants have to pay for the following
individually. Some generous participants use more than 20 man yen.
*「週末自由旅行の費用」weekend travel
*「個人的土産や小遣い」souvenirs, pocket money
*「任意の外食」eating out on a voluntary basis
*「現地参加義務行事の費用」cost of events required to attend
1-2 man yen for punting, cream tea, lunch on the hiking day, meals on
the way to and from the UK, meals on one weekday when the college
servery is closed.
*「現地の集合写真」group photograph(購入は任意、立派だがかなり高額
Purchase is optional. Extremely gorgeous but very expensive.
*「現地任意参加有償行事」optional but onerous events
*「国際線の荷物重量超過の場合の加算金」suitcase overweight charge
*「その他」others like a passport and parties(パスポート取得関係費)
・2005年度までは全額いただいていましたが、担当教員がかなりの事務費用、学 習連絡会の会場費、印刷費用を全額校費負担しており、「現地スタッフへの簡単
ましたが、2023年以降は当面担当教員が負担致します。The professor in
charge pays for clerical cost, meeting room charge, and printing of
handouts andflyers with his research budget and for a tip to bus drivers
and small gifts to the staff members of the college personally.
2017:4 participants out of 29, 6 man yen from the university
2018:9 participants out of 29, 6 man yen from the university
2019:8 participants out of 28, 6 man yen from the university
2020/2021/2022:新型コロナの影響で中止 suspended due to covid-19
2023:24 participants out of 24, 7-35 man yen, from FLC
2024:15 man yen to 17/20 man yen to 5 (2 no application) from FLC

Below are the names of those who kindly donated to the 2023 crowdfunding campaign.We cannot thank them too much.
平野才人様、斉藤健一様、Ayano, I 様、古川琢磨様
まっちー様、原尚子様、岩田健治様、S. Uchida 様、Kumi Yamada 様、
Kimitaka SHIBUE 様、本庄様
ヴィッケンカンプ和海(旧姓増本) 様
平野靖雄様・美都子様、Tsubasa A 様、山本知佳様、ウォーラぽん様、
やっくん様、冨永賢治様、九大東京同窓会 事務局吉元利行様、かっぱ様、
Masa Yoshimatsu 様、Hiroaki Nakamura 様、Gotts 様、Y.KOGA 様、
深見千尋様、Aya 様、永田 裕一様、T.Nakayama 様、T.Hayashida 様、
尾形優造様、EIICHI 様、廣江 顕様、永里壮一様、moricos 様
UENO 様、田中 陽子様、Mari 様
浦田和幸様、松熊 功様、trifo+(山本) 様、竹山 真美様、A_HOMMA 様、
Hiroko Furuhashi 様、小島 成文様、岡﨑晴輝様、河原孝太郎様、BB 様、
本田 淳様、山内正一様、池野友徳様、sugiura.tohoku 様、SHunji.W 様、
阪木淳子様、浜崎 浩様、endofuhito 様、中島平三様、弓場浩子様、
平野夏実様、Taylor 2011 様、宇都宮ひかり様、森智隆様、Akiko 様、
Yukiko Tomimatsu 様、HISA 様、Eri.M 様、池田清之様、
Y Kabayama 様、Kaho Morii 様、JSADA様、m.nakashima 様、
Chinami Harada 様、浅山良樹様、Sachi 様、松尾光通様、Maiko.A.K 様、
Yurie Hadano 様、富永寛士様、スペイン語もよろしく様、Hitomi 様、
Kanade Hirota 様、Tad 様、長瀬 航也様、亦野貴之様、樋口大志様、
Angelina 様、Yutaro Tsuji 様、榎本(大財) 綾子様、noko 様、三好永作様、
Harry 様、山本絵里奈様
真鍋和瑞様、GUNDA @ Chemistry and Education 様、はなまる様、
石部雄紀様、髙橋祐二様、kyohei torii 様、シャーロット様、ロクサーヌ様、
押川元重様、M.Ayabe 様、Chet2017 様、川野雅恭様、Miwa 様、mii 様、
さおけん様、aya 様、まつざき様、KEIKO .M 様、はら様、安凱旋様、
takuya naka 様、とみー様、清水耕平様、松藤様、平川 舞様、kazu 様
Some general scholarships by private sectors grant additioal bebefit for
studying abroad on request under some conditions.
・下記のものに選考されれば資金援助になります。The following are attractive:
★基幹教育優等賞:Kikan Award
★九州大学山川賞:Yamakawa Award
Kyoso may assist participants from Kyoso with two types of stipends. Would-be participants should make a research on their own.
【この研修は高いか】Why expensive?
★授業料等:tuition & accommodation
喜びはプライスレスとも言っています。It is certainly true that the fee to pay
to the college is quite high, but it is commensute to the hospitality and the
prestige. We must also take the fact into consideration that the feeregular
(humanities) students pay annually to the college and theuniversityis
24,222GBP (home 2nd graders) or 37,698GBP (international). In any
case, a lot of participants in the past say that the experience there is
機会と思います。It is certainly true that this program isshorter and more
expensive than other similar programs in KyushuUniversity, but it is
coupled with an intensive and long prior sessionperiod and is perhaps the
only precious chance in the lifetime to spend days in theUniversity of
Cambridge to get an official certificate.
★航空運賃:air fare
Kyushu's semester-final exam period is early August and Seikei's autumn
semester starts in mid-September. Therefore we have to use a flight to the
UK when the air fare is almost the highest of the year.
The air fare is generally higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic due to
oil price rise and a route avoiding Russian airspace.
★御理解のお願い:we hope for your understanding
The total cost is certainly high, and the professor in charge has had
negotiations with the college many times over a possible reduction of the
fee raise rate, but further negotiations are no longer plausible since it is
quite essential to keep the quality of the summer part of the program.
The conclusion drawn from this state of affairs was the introduction of
An accompanying professor stays in the college gratis (two professors
every other years) thanks to the college's generosity, but they use the
school budget or donated money for their flights. They use their research
budget for meetings and printings and their private money for things like a
tip for a bus driver or small gifts for the college staff members.
申込から後の全体の流れ rough schedule after application
The following shows only major steps.
application and an interview
・合否発表:result of the selection annouced
・クレジットカード:prepare a credit card if you have none
・11-12月平日ミーティング(1):November/December weekday meetings
・第1回学習連絡会:December weekend session
12/7/2024(Sat)10:10-whole day: Kyushu U Nishijin Plaza, m meeting R
・12-1月平日ミーティング(2):December/January weekday meetings
・英語学習+英国に関する課題の取り組み:self-study and homework
・パスポートの取得:obtain a passport if you have none
・第2回学習連絡会:April weekend session
4/6/2025(Sun)10:10-whole day: Kyushu U Nishijin Plaza, m meeting R
・講義科目選択決定:choosing a lecture course of the summer
・費用払込み:payment in May
・保険等加入・各種手続:insurance / health form / other paperwork
・第3回学習連絡会:June weekend session
6/14/2025(Sat)10:10-whole day: Kyushu U Nishijin Plaza, m meeting R
・第4回学習連絡会:August weekend session
8/11/2025(Mon=national holiday)10:10-whole day: Kyushu U Nishijin
Plaza, m meeting R
around 8/20/2025 (1-5日のずれは御勘弁ください)
・帰国:coming home
around 9/12/2025 (1-5日のずれは御勘弁ください)
submit program report and scholarship report
・ ↓
・研修成果報告プレゼンテーション(あれば):presentation (if any)
・科目としての単位認定:2 credits given
申込方法等については http://yubunsuzuki.com/cunstom6.html を。