3)面接にあたって準備すること preparation for interview

した。This page is now good for the 2025 program.(3/23/2024)

 面接の準備 preparation for interview

【面接に持参する書類】documents to bring
★「 ケンブリッジ大学英語・学術研修申込票 」application documents
・申込書類送付のときと同じものですが、写真をお願いします。2部必要です。   ・書類申込時と内容に相違があっても可です(その箇所は下線を引いて明記)。
<まだの場合>if not yet
★「 誓約書 」written pledge
★「ウェブの成績確認画面」screen shot of your course grades
★「英語力診断テストスコアコピー」TOEFL-ITP score

【面接の内容】points of interview
 whether the applicants have capacity and apptitude to study abroad
 Q&A in English
 Allow 30 nimutes for the interview.

【面接の手順】what to say in the interview
★冒頭で下記に関するプレゼンテーション(日本語)(3~5分程度)presentation in Japanese about the following (3-5 minutes)
・メモを見ながらで結構です。You may depend on a manuscript.

  State the following two things.
・合格者へ連絡があり次第研修HP「 合格通知後にすること 」(現在無効、合否連
 As soon as you are informed of a favorable result of the selection, you
 immediately check" What to do after selection" (http://yubunsuzuki.com/
 custom8.html:to be revised later)
・研修HP「 研修のキャンセル 」の内容を承知したこと。特に出資者の方の了解を
 You accept "withdrawal" (http://yubunsuzuki.com/custom10.html) and
 have obtained consent of your finacier about that page.

2)下記事項について簡単に御説明ください。Expalin the following concisely.
 your major; your future after graduation
 Do you like English? Are you good at it? Achievements in high school
 English classes, the English test of entrance exams, KU English classes?
 What other programs did you compare ours with?
 Is there any possibility for you to switch to some other program after you
 are accepted for ours?
・提出物の締切を守るか。Could you meet various deadlines?
・学術追究型の研修に事前研修も含め負担に耐え打ち込む覚悟があるか。Are you
 ready to engage in this academic program including prior sessions?
 Is your money raising plan not too much difficult? (Too heavy part-time
 jobs could deprive you of study time.)
  How much are you afraidof withdrawing from the program for financial
  reasons after being accepted?
  Consult well with your financier in advance.
  Explain ifexchange rate fluctuation is not so much problematic.
  Be advised that withdrawal after being accepted could cause financial
  trouble to the other participants.
  Withdrawal after being accepted could incur the risk of paying much
  cancellation-related charge.

★その他の選考基準 other selection criteria
 Are application documents complete?
 Have you got good grades from English and other courses at Kyushu
 Are you studying English separately frommandatory courses?
 Are you well motivated, zealous,and qualified for this program?
・自分を磨く向上心があるか Are you enthusiastic for improving yourself?
  Can you clearly get your thought across to other people?
 Do you have a consent and a support from your family?
・団体生活での協調性があるか Are you cooperative in a group?
 Are you mentally and physically tough for living overseas?
 Can you communicate aurally with others in English?