5)12月学習連絡会前後 --(before & after) December weekend whole-day session

2025年組の方々に有効です。Now this page is good for 2025 students.

    12月学習連絡会前の会合と課題         Meetings before December Whole-Day Meeting       and Homework Assignments

先輩から from participants in the past:
事前研修なくしてケンブリッジへ行く意味なし。コンフォートゾーンを抜け出すことが大事。It is meaningless to visit Cambridge without the prior sessions. Do get out of your "comfort zone" in them.

06 Nov (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405 (Monday schedule)
・12:15-12:25 名札配布+名簿等の件+歴史発表準備の件
        name tags + name list + about history presentations
・12:25-12:35 英語で自己紹介(一人10秒:Nickname+何か重要な一言)
        self introduction
・12:35-12:45 挨拶回り(一人30秒)chat
【英国歴史教科書】British History Textbook
  See "what to do after being chosen" page for details."
 * 誰がどれに割り与えられたかは表が11月中にムードルに掲載されます。  
  See who takes which study in the list to be uploaded within Nov.

11 Nov (Mon) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15-12:20 学習計画の件(11/23)、英国研究概要の件 (12/21)
        study plan (due 23 Nov); British study outline (due 21 Dec)
・12:20-12:30 旅行についてweekend travel
・12:30-12:45 第2週末旅行13-day weekend travel 1
【英語等学習計画】study plan
・英語学習進捗表に記入してムード ル上で御提出ください。締切11月23日
 Fill in the study plan form and submit it on Moodleby Nov 23.
 Download the form from Moodle and submit as a Word file.
 Decide what to do after reading "prior study" page (custom9.html)
 Make a moderate plan which you could actually carry out.
・空欄が多くてもいいのです! ホントにやることだけ書きましょう。
 Don’t mind many blanks. Plan what you really do.
 Write study plan as of Nov until the end of March only.
 "Britsh culture etc." could include your personal study of theBritish
 history textbook and prep for Brtish study presentation.
 Do include one-minute speech or conversation exercise for "speaking".
【英国研究概要】British study
 See "What to do after being chosen" page for details.
 Submit the items you want to pick up for presentation in about 10 lines.
締切は12月21日Submission deadline isDec 21.

13 Nov (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
12:15-12:30 第2週末旅行23-day weekend travel 2 
・12:30-12:45 先輩トークa talk by a participant in the past

18 Nov (Mon) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5)
・18:20-19:05 旅行計画策定方法 (旅行先を含む)
        how to travel (+destinations)

20 Nov (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
12:15-12:30 英国史概説brief lecture of British History
・12:30-12:45 第2週末旅行33-day weekend travel 3

23 Nov (Sat) submission deadline: English Learning Plan 1

25 Nov (Mon) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5)
・18:20-18:25 学習計画フィードバックfeedback about study plans
・18:25-18:45 英国歴史(1)(2)(3)British history presentations (1)(2)(3)
・18:45-19:05 第2週末旅行43-day weekend travel 4

27 Nov (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15-12:27英国歴史(4)(5)British history presentations (4)(5)
・12:27-12:45 第2週末旅行53-day weekend travel 5

02 Dec (Mon) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5)
・18:20-18:40 英国歴史(6)(7)(8)British history presentations (6)(7)(8)
・18:40-18:55 子音:破裂音consonants: plosives
・18:55-19:05 第2週末旅行63-day weekend travel 6

04 Dec (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15-12:27 英国歴史(9)(10)British history presentations (9)(10)
・12:27-12:45 第2週末旅行73-day weekend travel 7

 12月学習連絡会参加の準備              Preparation for December Whole-Day Meeting

 09:55-18:00 on Saturay, 7 December, 2024.
 Don’t be absent. Contact the instructor if you have a health problem.
 If you are likely to be late, call the instructor during 9:45-9:55.
朝は十分睡眠を取っておいで下さい。Attend the meeting after a good sleep.
 The venue is the middle meeting room of Kyushu University Nishijin Plaza.
 Research the location in advance.
 Bring lunch. You have no time to eat out or buy food during the meeting.
  You are prohibited from eating in the room. Use the lobby on foor 2.
  Take away the garbage with you.
 Make effort so that you speak to everyone as soon as possible.
持ってくるものBring the following to the meeting: 
 *歴史教科書British History textbook
 *必要に応じ英国のガイドブックa travel guidebook if need be
 *満充電したPCfully charged PC
 *懇親会費party fee\3,000 (氏名付封筒にin an envelope with your name)
 You concentrate on English / British history / travel during Nov-Jan.
 *4月頃から現地講義科目の準備が始まります。You start prep for a lecture
  subjects and presentations (British study & travel destinations in April.
  Relative importance of travel preparation and Btitish history looks large,
  but it is limited tothe first half of the prior sessions.
 Cambridge is the best incentive for pior sessions. Make full use of it.
下記はお済みでしょうか。Have you finished the following?
  5-piece set (Romaji name; self-intro; nickname; British study; history)
 *旅行ガイドブックの購入a travel guidebook
 *教科書 Essential British History 購入British history textbook
 *旅行ガイドによる地理研究geographical study with the travel guidebook
  国区画の見学seeing books in the British section of the central library
 *学研災本体加入(忘れなければ4月でも可)Gakkensai insurance
 *クレジットカード作成credit cards

 12月学習連絡会 December Whole-Day Meeting

昼食用の飲食物を御持参下さい。Make sure to bringlunch.

09:55     集合 名札着用 懇親会費徴収opening; name tag; party fee
10:00 - 10:30 研修の総合的説明steps in the prior and UK sessions
10:30 - 10:45 英国歴史 (11)(12)British history presentations (11)(12)
10:45 - 11:00 子音:摩擦音consonants: fricatives
11:00 - 11:15 英国歴史 (13)(14)British history presentations (13)(14)
11:15 - 11:25 休憩recess
11:25 - 11:35 単語テスト1(時間厳守)vocabulary test 1
11:35 - 11:50 英語で活動1sample activity in English 1
11:50- 12:05 英国歴史 (15)(16)British history presentations(15)(16)
12:05 - 12:50 休憩(昼食)noon recess & lunch
12:50 - 13:20 旅行手配(今後の鉄道・宿泊・ツアー等:座席予約・パスは4月)
        travel (railway; accommodation;tours etc. RailPass & seat
        reservation inApril)
13:20 - 13:35 英国歴史 (17)(18)British history presentations (17)(18)
13:35 - 13:50 その他の子音consonants: others
13:50 - 14:05 英国歴史 (19)(20)British history presentations (19)(20)
14:05 - 14:15 休憩recess
14:15 - 14:30 英語活動2sample activity in English 2
14:30 - 14:45 英国歴史 (21)(22)British history presentations (21)(22)
14:45 - 15:00 母音vowels
15:00 - 15:30 第2週末旅行83-day weekend travel 8
15:30 - 15:40 休憩recess
15:40 - 15:55 英国歴史 (23)(24)British history presentations (23)(24)
15:55 - 16:15 音変化sound changes (assimilation; devoicing; etc.)
16:15 - 16:30 英国歴史 (25)(26)British history presentations (25)(26)
16:30 - 16:50 アクセント・リズムなどaccent; rhythm; etc.
16:50 - 17:00 休憩recess
17:00 - 17:45 過去の参加者の講話+Q&Atalk/Q&A by a 2024 student
17:45 - 17:55 後片付けclearing things away
18:00     1階玄関から懇親会へ出発leave the floor-1 hall for the party

    12月学習連絡会後の会合と課題         Meetings after December Whole-Day Meeting       and Homework Assignments

11 Dec (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15 - 12:20 パスポート、ANAマイレージpassport; ANA mileage
・12:20 - 12:30 英国歴史 (27)(28)British history presentations (27)(28)
・12:30 - 12:45 第2週末旅行93-day weekend travel 9

 Obtain it by mid-April to be in time for submission for our travel agent.
・ 2025年8月24日入国現在で最低6ヶ月(短期留学ビザ有効期限)以上残存有効
 期間を。It must have aremaining period of more than 6 months (a period
 for a short-term study visa) as of 24 Aug 2025.
 If you newly apply for your passport, make sure to use the same spelling
 of your name as the five-piece set.
 *パスポートと航空券上のローマ字スペルが一致していないと出国できません。  You can not board your flights if the spelling of your name is differently
 spelled in your passport and your airtickets.
 You can obtain 10-year passport after becoming 18 years old.

・在留資格は短期留学ですが取得手続不要。後日カレッジ発行 visa letter が必携。
 Your visa status is short-term study, but no obtaining procedure is
 necessary. However, you need to carry the visa letter from the college.
 *非日本国籍の方で英国にとって visa national の方は通常の査証が必要です。
  Those without Japanese nationality who are visa nationals for the UK
  must obtain the short-term study visa at the British Consulate in Osaka.

【外国籍の方へ】request for non-Japanese students for the UK
 その際 その情報源をお知らせください (URL等)。
 Report on the followingitems with information sources like URL to the
 instructor by the end of February.
 *自分が英国にとってvisa nationalかどうか。
  whether you are a visa national for the UK or not.
  https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-    appendix-visitor-visa-national-list  
  How to obtain a visa if you are a visa national for the UK.
  How could you get back from the UK if you lose a passport there?
 申込時に確認済のはずですね。You made sure at the time of application for
 this program that your residential status in Japan and your scholarship
 allow you to visit the UK directly from Japan.

【ANAマイレージカード】ANA mileage
 If we use ANA, you will be given more than 3,000 miles if you apply for
 the mileage program.
 The best thing to do is to obtain your mileage club number before the
 deadline of a travel application form to our travel agent (31 March).
  It often takes more than one month for your number to be notified.

16 Dec (Mon) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5)
18:20 - 18:40 英国歴史 (29)(30)(31)
         British history presentations (29)(30)(31)
・18:40 - 19:05 第2週末旅行103-day weekend travel 10

18 Dec (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15 - 12:27 英国歴史 (32)(33)British history presentations (32)(33)
・12:27 - 12:45 第2週末旅行113-day weekend travel 11

21 Dec (Mon) submission deadline: rough British Study plan

23 Dec (Mon) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5)
・18:20 - 18:40 英国歴史 (34)(35)(36)
         British history presentations (34)(35)(36)
・18:40 - 19:05 第2週末旅行12(最終)3-day weekend travel 12 (final)

25 Dec (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15 - 12:27 英国歴史 (37)(38)British history presentations (37)(38)
・12:27 - 12:45 第1週末旅行1one-day weekend travel 1
  Not clear whether it is Saturday or Sunday, be prepared for both.

07 Jan (Tue) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5) (Monday
・18:20 - 18:40 英国歴史 (39)(40)British history presentations (39)(40)
・18:40 - 19:05 第1週末旅行2one-day weekend travel 2

08 Jan (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15 - 12:27 英国歴史 (41)(42)British history presentations (41)(42)
・12:27 - 12:45 第1週末旅行3one-day weekend travel 3

15 Jan (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405 (Mondayschedule)
・12:15 - 12:27 英国歴史 (43)(44)British history presentations (43)(44)
・12:27 - 12:45 第1週末旅行4one-day weekend travel 4

20 Jan (Mon) 18:20-19:05 classroom 1405 (vacant in period 5)
・18:20 - 18:35 英国歴史 (45)(46)British history presentations (45)(46)
・18:35 - 18:55 費用等の説明・今後のこと1cost etc. to be annouced
・18:55 - 19:05 第1週末旅行5(最終)one-day weekend travel 5 (final)
         春休みの進行打合せdiscuss how you continue in Spring

22 Jan (Wed) 12:15-12:45 classroom 1405
・12:15 - 12:27 英国歴史 (47)(48)British history presentations (47)(48)
・12:27 - 12:45 今後のこと2see the following notes

【ETA 申請】ETA application
ビザが不要なかわりにETA (Electric Travel Authority)の事前取得が必要です。
 You have to apply for ETA in advance.You can't enter the UK without it.
下記サイトでお手続き下さい。Appy for it on the official site below.
偽サイトが多いそうなので御注意を。Be careful with fake sites.
 連絡先メールアドレス、本人の顔写真の準備が必要。You need a passport you
 use when visiting the UK (photo), credit card to pay the fee of 10GBP,
 your contact e-mail address, and your photo (face).
 Obtain it ASAP, but after you get your passport.
 Save the ETA issued on your device.

Join the group at Haneda or in the UK / Leave the group in the UK
原則お認めしません。Basically not possible.

団体扱いが厳しくなり、福岡空港発福岡空港着しか原則認められません(誓約書  で同一行動はお認めいただいています)。
 Basically everyone mustleaveFukuoka on the way to the UK together and
 get back to Fukuoka ontheway back asyou agreed on the pledge form,
 since the group bookingregulationsare getting stricter.
  But if you want to terminate your trip at Haneda or change to an ANA
  domestic flight within 24 hours of the arrival time of our flight from
  London, e-mail the professor in charge by 15 March.
  って見積もりの結果次第では却下となる可能性があります。Note that if you
  get away from the group at Haneda on the way back, the main group
  and leavers at Haneda may be regarded as separate groups with higher
  fares for the international part of our trip. Therefore, your applications
  for the exceptional leaving at Haneda may be turned down depending
  on the fare rise.

【海外申込伺い書】application form & passport to our travel agency
 付してください。Fill in the travel application form delivered and send it to
 therecipient given on the formby 31 March.
 月中旬までに送付先へ送付して下さい。Attach the photo of your passport if
 you have it when sending the application form above. If you don't have it
 at that time, send it separately to our travel agent later by mid-April.
 On the application form, write the university name and your under-
 graduate school name for your affiliation and put the e-mail address of
 your school's student affairs section for its contact e-mail address.

【英語学習進捗表】English learing report
3月28日(金) までに、それまでの学習報告を記入しムードル上で提出。
 Fill in the achievement and submit the file on Moodle by 28 March.
 Feedback will begiven by around April whole-day meeting.
それを受けてその後の計画を4月12日(土) 12:30までにムードル上で提出。
 Fill in the plan for April-Aug and submit the file on Moodle by 12 April.
8月20日(水) までに、それまでの学習報告を記入しムードルで提出。Fill in the
 achievement during April-Aug and submit the file on Moodle by 20 Aug.
 File names should be like above.

【旅行準備状況】travel plan 1
3月28日(金) までに「旅行準備状況」に記入しムードルに提出。
 Submit travel plan (version 1) on Moodle by 28 March.
様式はムードル上から御入手下さい。Download the template from Moodle.
ファイル名は「旅行山田3月」のように。File names should be like the left.

【英国研究】British study
 See who takes which study in the list to be uploaded within Nov.
 Make a serious research during the Spring vacation on the basis of the
 feedback from the instructor about the rough idea.
  You must submit a rough idea and obtain feedback before you go on.
  This is a long term project. "Final 3-day" improvisation is unacceptable !
  What you show in your slides in just a fraction of what you research.
  Make a good research and be an expert in the group.
「英国研究」のパワポを全員3月28日(金) 12:00までにムードル上で提出。
 Everybodysubmit slides on Moodle by 28 March.
  The file should be 15MB at most. Resize your images before insertion.
  The file name should be like above. Include the presentation month.
 Submission deadline is 28 March regardless of your presentation month.
 See "What to do after being chosen" for other details.

【歴史教科書自学】self study of the history textbook
教科書や発表資料を参考に自学をお願いします。Study British history with our
 textbook and other students' slides (to be uploaded to Moodle).
 The purpose of this study lies in the enrichment of your stay in the UK.
 You can go in your own way to avoid causing it to be too much torture.
 Every summer the instructor hears the participants lamentingly say in the
 UK that they should have learned more after knowing the importance.

まだの方は4月中旬までの「受取」が必須です。Obtain it by mid-April.

 If not yet, apply for theGakkensai insurance by early part of April.
手続き場所は学部所属事務の学生系の係に問合せを。Contact each under-
 graduate school's student affairs section for where to make an application.

【携帯の確認等】mobile phones
 予備的調査を。Line 通話だけにして通常の電話回線を切るのはいけません
 You arerequired by our security scheme to be able toreceive in the UK an
 international call from Japan (in addition to domesticcalls in the UK) on
 your phone. Make a preliminaryresearch bythe end ofthe spring
 vacation on how to meet this requirement.Suspending your usual phone
 connection depending solely on Line phone is not allowed.

 Since your mobile phone number will be forwarded to the insurance
 agent, the security scheme organization and the college, you need to let
 me know a new number when your phone number has changed. If you
 replace the SIM in the UK, you have to let me know the new number by
 Thursday of the first week.

 外の部分は御自身の責任で準備してください。Recently, there are many ways
 to be prepared for the use of mobile phones overseas, you shouldmake a
 preparation by yourselves in addition to meet the requirements above.

 Below you see older info about calls on your phone.It may be obsolete
 but given for your convenience. Start a research on your phonein Spring.

 easiest ways are either of the following two: "new SIM" or "do nothing".
 But find your own way that best suits your need (especially the cost).

・「現地か日本で入手したSIMカードへ交換」replacing with a new SIM bought
 in Japan or the UK
 *携帯が SIM ロック解除で現地で新SIMに交換可の機種である必要があります。
  Your phone must be of a type accepting SIM unlocking and a new SIM.
   Sometimes students find they can't meet the requirement in the UK.
   Whether your phone number changes or not depends on thephone,
   the (e)SIM, and the contract plan you use.
    If the number changes, your familiar number will be suspended.
   ◎いずれにせよ国際通話が現地で受けられるプランにしてください。In any
    case, make sure to be able toreceive a call from Japan in the UK.
 *現地のスタッフに要望すれば現地店舗の案内を受けられます。You could ask
  theprogramme assistants to take you to a shop to buy a new SIM.

・「そのまま現地で使用」do nothing: use your usual phone in Japan as it is
 *そのまま国外で通話できる機種の場合はそれでも可。If your phone accepts
  inthe UK both domestic and international calls,you need to do nothing.
   Butinternational fees apply when calling someone with "do nothing".
   Connection stability feels a bit weaker than a "new SIM".
   料金になります。Make sure to turn off "data roaming" (expensive with
   automatic updates from Japan).

【引越】relocation of residence
 Those who move to somewhere else during the springvacation should
 inform the instructor of the new postal address. Your postal/e-mail
 addresses and mobile number are necessary for group application for
 our overseas security scheme tied up with Kyushu University.

【春休み旅行打合せ・自主勉強会】voluntary meeting in Spring
 The instructor recommends voluntary study group meeting in Spring.
 There have been ampleexamples in the past.

【4月学習連絡会の準備】prep for April whole-day meeting
 Make a preparation for the April whole-day meeting after you are informed
 of the revision of the related webpages in late March.
4月6日(日)09:55-18:00の予定です。西新プラザ中会議室。To be held
 09:55-18:00 in the middle meeting room, Kyushu Univ. Nishijin Plaza.
 The after-meeting party will be announced separately, if it is to be held..