
 鈴木右文が九州大学に赴任した1992年から読書会活動を開始しました。九州地区の生成文法およびその関連分野を研究領域に含む先生方や院生の方々で構成し、月に1度程度読書会を実施しています。 場所はおおむね西南学院大学で、土曜日の午後に実施しています。生成文法理論の展開を追っていくことを目的に、モノグラフを中心に論文集や Chomsky のペーパーなども読んでいます。読書会の日の夕方は懇親会をすることが多いです。メンバーは2017年現在6名程度です。しかし残念ながら現在休会中です。連絡先は鈴木右文 yubun@flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp です。

1. Lasnik & Saito (1991) Move-α, MIT Press.
2. Chomsky (1992) A Minimalist Program for Linguistic Theory, MITOPL 1.
3. 三原健一(1992) 『時制解釈と統語現象』
4. Manzini (1992) Locality, MIT Press.
5. Diesing (1992) Indefinites, MIT Press.
6. Chomsky (1994) "Chapter 4. Categories and Transformations", ms.
7. Williams (1994) Thematic Structure in Syntax, MIT Press.
8. Pesetsky (1995) Zero Syntax, MIT Press.
9. Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995) Unaccusativity, MIT Press.
10. Brody (1995) Lexico-Logical Form, MIT Press.
11. Collins (1997)Local Economy, MIT Press.
12. Kitahara (1997) Elementary Operations and Optimality of Derivations, MIT Press.
13. Ura (1996) Multiple Feature-Checking, diss.
14. Boskovic (1997) The Syntax of Nonfinite Complementation, MIT Press.
15. Chomsky (1998) "Minimalist Inquiries: the Framework," ms.
16. Culicover & McNally (1998) The Limits of Syntax (Syntax and Semantics 29), Academic Press.
17. Epstein, Groat, Kawashima & Kitahara (1998) A Derivational Approach to Syntactic Relations, Oxford University Press.
18. Lasnik (1999) Minimalist Analysis, MIT Press.
19. Postal (1999) Three Investigations in Syntax, MIT Press.
20. Chomsky (1999) Derivation by Phase, MIT Occasional Papers in Linguistics 18.
21. Pesetsky & Torrego (ms.)
22. Epstein & Hornstein (1999) Working Minimalism, MIT Press.
23. Martin, Michaels & Uriagereka (2000) Step by Step: Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik, MIT Press.
24. Baltin & Collins (ed.) (2001) The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory, Blackwell.
25. Pesetsky (2000) Phrasal Movement and Its Kin, MIT Press.
26. Chomsky (2001) "Beyond Explanatory Edequacy"
27. Simpson (2001) "Wh-movement and the theory of feature-checking"
28. Richards (2001) Movement in Language, Oxford University Press.
29. Epstein & Seely (2002) Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program, Blackwell.
30. Aoun & Li (2003) Essays on the Representational and Derivational Nature of Grammar, MIT Press.
31. Boeckx (2003) Islands and Chains: Resumption as Stranding, John Benjamins.
32. Nissenbaum (2000) Investigations of Covert Phrase Movement, diss.
33. Gueron & Lecarme (2004) The Syntax of Time, MIT Press.
34. Chomsky (2004) "On Phase"
35. Nunes (2004) Sideward Movement, MIT Press.
36. Stepanov, Fanselow, & Vogel (2004) Minimalist Effects in Syntax, Mouton de Gruyter.
37. Epstein & Seely (2006) Derivation in Minimalism, Cambridge.
38. Cheng and Corver (2006) WH-Movement: Moving On, MIT Press.
39. Ko (2005) Syntactic Edges and Linearization, Ph. D. dissertation, MIT.
40. Freiden, Otero, and Zubizarreta (2008) Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory, MIT Press.
41. Gellego (2007)Phase Theory and Parametric Variation, PhD diss., Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
42. Stroik (2009) Locality in Minimalist Syntax, MIT Press.
44. Miyagawa (2010) Why Agree? Why Move?MIT Press.
45. Panagiotidis (2010) The Complementizer Phase, Oxford Univ. Press.
46. Branigan (2011) Provocative Syntax, MIT Press.
47. Muller (2011) Constraints on Displacement: A Phase-based Approach, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
48. Boeckx (2012)Syntactic Islands, Cambridge University Press.
49. Cheng & Corver (2013) Diagnosing Syntax, Oxford University Press.
50. Citko (2014) Phase Theory: An Inroduction,MITPress.
51. Shlonsky (ed.) (2015) Beyond Functional Sequence,OxfordUniversity Press.
52. Di Domenico, Hamann, andMatteini (eds.) (2015) Structures,Strategies and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Adriana Belletti, John Benjamins.