---ツアー等の予約 tours/booking

2025年組の方に有効になりました。Now good for 2025 students.

 回遊ツアー tours

 Many tours make it impossible to get to your accommodation by 6pm.
 You should plan a bus tour on a day of return to Cambridge or on the
 day of second overnight stay of consecutive two nights' stay at the
 same accommodation, since the rules have it that you are required
 to get to your accommodation by 6pm on the day of check-in.

【ロンドン発の日帰りツアー】day tours from London
https://evanevanstours.com/ 現地観光バス会社London bus tour company
  Leeds/Dover/Canterbury; Windsor/Stonehenge/Bath; Cotswolds
  If credit card payment doesn't work, pay via Veltra, a Japanesesite.
https://mybus-europe.jp/ 日本人用のツアーfor Japanese customers
  Harry Potter Studio bus tour: convenient but 4 hours' stay there (often
  too short for enthusiasts
 Bus tours are convenient to visit resevation-requiring places difficult to
 cover on public transportation like Stonehenge.
 A bus coming back to London sometimes drop passengers at some points
 near a subueban tube station before getting to London Victoria Coach
 Station. Make sure to have a tube map and a town map at hand.

【湖水地方の半日・日帰りツアー】(half a) day tours in the Lake Dist.
https://englishlakestours.com はミニバンツアー。minivan tour
 *最も充実した業者。お勧めは丸一日奥地付の Ultimate Lake District Tour。
  The best lineup of tours. The most recommendable one is a one day
  tour including steep hinterland, Ultimate Lake District Tour.
 *ピーターラビットのHill Topを含む半日ツアーもあり。
  It even has a half a day tour including Hill Top (Peter Rabbit).
https://www.mountain-goat.com/Lake-District はミニバンツアー。
 Mountain Goat tour is also available.
路線バスのない奥が趣き深くツアーが有用。Windermere だけでは勿体ない。
 What a waste if you only visit Windermere. Use a tour for other places
 preferably including mountainous areas.
山坂道を激烈に飛ばすので、乗物酔いのある方は注意。The minvans drive fast
 on the mountainous road quite violently. Be careful about carsickness.
 Make sure to locate the exact starting point of the tour in advance.
 Online booking available, but you need to make a quick decision because
 the number of passengers of each tour is quite limited.

【エジンバラ発ハイランドの日帰りツアー】day tours from Edinburgh
情報は必ず確認してください。Make sure to see the newest information.
 Saturday tours and using the same accommodation for Friday-Sunday
 only, because you need to get to your accommodation by 6pm for the first
 check-in while none of the tours get back to the city by 6pm.
 *Glen Coe, ネス湖, スコッチ蒸留所、Stirling、St Andrews 等名所沢山あり。
  Glen Coe / Loch Ness / distillery / Stirling / St Andrews etc.
 A tour covering Harry Potter's steam train and viaduct is fun but costly.
https://www.scottishtours.co.uk/(大型バス)a large coach
上記の他にもいろいろあると思います。and others too

【コッツウォルズ現地の日帰りツアー】day tours within Cotswolds
https://www.tourgems.com/ 2-6人向けの個人経営ミニバンツアー。
 A family-run minivan tour for 2-6 passengers with flexible itenerary.
https://rosehilltravel.com ミニバンツアー。minivan

【ツアー一般】other tours
https://www.getyourguide.jp/ のような所もあり。但し担当教員未経験
 Things like this is also available but the instructor has never used it.
 Sometimes you may find a bus tour from Cambridge. Participants in the
 past once used one.

Make sure to give a tip to the tour guide of the bus tour.

 その他 other bookings

【サッカー】association football
現地HPで直接ウェブ予約したらいいです。Buy tickets on the official website.
 Probably more expensive if you buy them via a travel agency in Japan.
 Comapre prices.
 Be aware that it is crowded on the way to and from a stadium. It may take
 up so much of your time.

【ミュージカルやコンサート】musicals & concerts
 Book your seats on the official website of the theatre. Japanese travel
 agencies are extremely expensive.
 * ロンドンで夜の部を見る時は、 ケンブリッジへ帰る日を避けて下さい 。
  If you see an evening show, avoid the day to get back to Cambridge.
 *先輩から:from participants in the past
  をしていって下さい。"The Phantom of the Opera" is deeply moving from
  the beginning to the end. High level. State set is wonderful. Make sure
  to research the story in advance.
 Book seats for Edinburgh Military Tattoo at the opening time of the
 opening day of online reservation. The online waiting time is a few to
 several hours.
  Up to eight tickets at one purchase.
 *最近はスケジュール的に鑑賞困難です。These years the programme
  schedule does not allow you to enjoy this event.
BBCのクラシックコンサートBBC Proms (classical music)
ケンブリッジミュージックフェスティバルCambridge Music Festival
 例年7月なので参考まで。Usually in June. Just for your information.

【その他行くならウェブ予約を取るべきところ】booking required
Allow some time for body search before entering some places like palaces.

 Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tour
  Mostly similar to Tokyo's. Consider whether London's is worth visiting
  using half a day.
  You need 3-6 hours (big difference) depending on how enthusiastic
  about this place. It may bedifficult for one group to use the same
  amount of timethere.
 *先輩から:from participants in 2023
  Direct online booking didn't work and we used mybustour.
バッキンガム宮殿Buckingham Palace
コカコーラロンドンアイLondon Eye
国会議事堂The Parliament
ウェストミンスター寺院Westminster Abbey
 ろが多いです。ひとつひとつサイトで確認して下さいThe COVID-19 fuss has  made it necessary to book other places like The British Museum, The
 Nationa lGallery,The Natural History Museum, etc. But many of these
 reservations are just forqueuing purposes.However,withou these
 bookings, you would have to wait for a longer time or, in extreme case, be
 unable to enter.The booked time of entrance is not so strict in many cases.
 Research each meseum or facility in advance for their policies.