---鉄道等の時刻・予約・地図 railway/ticket/booking/map

Now good for 2025students..

 鉄道の時刻検索 train timetable

【オンライン時刻表】BritRail online timetable
 Summer & Winter timetables are different. The timetable is available
 around 12 weeks in advance.
 You should plan your trains on the basis of other seasons' train times,
 since you are expected to start planning from the previous year.
 Bus replacement and service suspension could take place in a few weeks'
 notice. Trains are sometimescancelled due to driver shortage on the spot.
 Example of difficulty: sometimes September train time amendments due
 to engineering work donot appear in the online timetable in August.
 The UK isa Christian area. No early trains on Sundays.
status & disruptions のページに工事やストライキによる運休等の予告がでますYou
 can see engineering work or industrial action info on status & deisruption page.
 *ストの情報は上記URLや各社HPのindustrial actionsに掲出されます。Strike info
  appears on status & disruption page and each train operator's HP.
 バスの行先の駅を調べたりするのに役立ちます(特に Zoomable Map)そうい
 Download a railway (zoomable) map with station names in preparation for
 a possiblebus replacement, in which case you have to find out which bus
 will take you to the right station. In such a situation, it is difficult to get
 nifo from busy rail staff.

【ロンドン方面の確認】to and from London
 Info about trains to Lobdon Kings Cross is quicker below.
Great Northern 鉄道 https://www.greatnorthernrail.com/

 バスについて buses/coaches

【調べるにあたって】bus info
全国長距離バスの natrinal express:
 *https://www.nationalexpress.com オンライン予約必要
  Depending on yourdestinations, direct coach services to and from
  Cambridge may be more economical than trains.
 Most local bus services timetable is available online.
 On Sundays, most routeshave fewer or no services.
 Coach tours are sometimes more convenient to cover your destinations.

【特定地域の注意】local info
Cambridge-London Victoria Coach Station は、安く事前予約制。Coach
 services between Cambridge and London Victoria could be booked cheap.
  But they take a long time and subject to traffic congestion, unsuitable
  for our puroposes.
 You should secure a long changing time (nearly one hour) for coach tours
 from London Victoria for the following two reasons.
  Firstly, trains from Cambridge and London tube trains are often delayed.
 *第2に地下鉄 Victoria 駅からコーチステーションまで初めてだと迷います。
  Secondly, we tend to get lost trying to change from a tube train.
 Buses along Windermere tend to be delayed or thinned out.
ケンブリッジでは City Centre/Pembroke Street~Cambridge Rail Station が
 便利。In Cambridge, the service between City Centre/Pembroke Street
 and Cambridge Rail Station is convenient.
 *Stagecoach:City 1 / City 3 / PR4 https://www.stagecoachbus.com/
 *Whippet Buses:Universal 1 https://www.whippetbus.co.uk/

 *from Rail Station to City Centre
  City 1: bound for Arbury (get off at St Andrews Street (City Centre))
  City 3: bound for Fisson Road/Whitehill (same as above)
  PR4: bound for Drummer Street (get off atEmmanuel Street)
  Whippet Buses Universal 1: bound for Girton Rd (get off Pembroke Str)
 *from City Centre (Emmanuel Street) to Rail Station
  City 1: bound for Fulborun
  City 3: bound for Cherry Hinton
  PR4: bound for Barbaham
 *from Pembroke Street to Rail Station:
  Whippet Buses Universal 1: bound for Biomedical Campus


 列車の予約等 train seat reservation

【列車と切符の種類】train types and tickets
列車種別 train types:
 Only local and long-distance trains. No "Express" trains. Almost no train
 service names.
特急料金もないです(列車により First Class、Standard Class はあります)。
 Fast trains require no extra fare. However, first-class and standard-class.

レールパス Rail Pass:
 Rail Passes (unlimited use on designated days for nonBritish) are better,
 economical and easy. Various areas & days and consecutive/flexy.
  Rail Pass recommended to cope with railway strikes.
  Lumo services(close to LNER trains) are not covered by Rail Passes
  though it runs on formernationalwail lines.
パスは外国人専用でパスポート携帯が条件現地では買えませんYou must
 buy Passesin Japanand they are good only when carrying apassport.
 Convenient is a BritRailFlexyPass good for non-consecutive days.
 ConsecutivePass is cheaper but only for consecutive days.
旅行業者HP等でタイプや日数を確認して下さい。Research pass types and
 good days seeing HPs of travel agencies.
 *https://www.britrail.com/book-your-britrail-pass/ or
  https://www.britrail.net  are convenient.
  モバイル版の購入を。Buy mobile passes to be stored in moble phones.
 Buy a youth pass (for those 16-25 yrs old). Cheaper but standard class.
 Activateyour pass in the UK; you might cancel it due to strikes.
日数を減らし安く買うための参考です。Go cheapwith the fewest good days.
 *Caeldonian Sleeper 利用時は乗車翌日分で可(ケンブリッジからは別買)。
  When using Caledonian Sleeper, the first day of the pass is the next day
  of the departure (Cambridge - London should be separately payed for).
  A London day with a Travel Card ticket may be better than a Pass.
  A flexy pass with a separate ticket for the middle day of the three-day
  weekend may be cheaper than other patterns.
  Using different passes for differentweekend may be advantageous.
 *ケンブリッジから中距離バス(National Express)で行けるところはバスで。
  You may use a National Express bus for some destinations instead of
  nicluding the day for your Pass.
 See the following before making the final decision.

座席指定 seat reservation(寝台は別項 see elsewhere for a berth)
 It is now impossible to buy a seat reservation at a travel agency in Japan.
 *コーンウォール方面の寝台列車 Night Riviera の寝台はパス利用アウトです。
  Night Riviera berth reservation is impossible with a Rail Pass.
 *Lumo社の便もパス利用アウトです。会社名はnational railのオンライン時刻
  表のJourney Detailsに記されています。Lumotrains cannot be booked
  with a RailPass. Theoperator names of your trains are available on
  Journey Details ofthe online research result of nationarail.co.uk.
パスでは、現地では可な無料事前予約も日本国内からは不可。Pass holders
 can reserve a train seat at any rail station in the UK but not in Japan.
  The following two costly ways are available for booking a seat in Japan.

Buy a ticket with seat reservation on the web separately from a Pass.
 *但しパスの他にまるまる別払いです。This is an additional cost to a Pass.
  Reservable through online purchase athttps://www.nationalrail.co.uk
  from 12 weeks in advance.
 *会社によっては半年前(例:Virgin Trains)から可というところもあります。
  Some train operators like Virgin Trains sell aticket with seat reservation
  from 12 weeks in advance.
  たりすると、flexy pass+この日はウェブ指定乗車券(早割あり)が最適。
  "Ticket with seat reservation (discount)" coupled with RailPass is better
  when, forexample, you only move from Edinburgh to Windermere on
  the day.
  Ticket prices are the same regardless of whether you book a seat or not.
  Advance tickets are often cheaper than tickets you buy on the spot.
  Ticket prices are different for different trains of the same section.
  After booking on the web, print out the ticket or save it on the mobile.
  Some train operators allow you to book a specific seat on the web.
  Howmany seats you can book on the web at the same time is diferent
  fromoperator to operator. You might be divided into different sections.

Reserve a seat on the web coupled with a RailPass.
  す(パスを買って、後から予約をは可のはずです)。Buy a Pass or a Pass
  with seat reservations. You could also reserve seats after buying a Pass.
 *https://www.britrail.netでかなり前から可。Use this URL.
 *列車を指定し、ticketsでなくreservation only を選択します。カード決済。
  Choose your train and "reservation only" instead of "tickets".
 *一度に9人分まで取れます。You can bookup to 9 seatsat the same time.
  The fee is 1,000 yen per person per section. You'll receive e-mail with a
  link to e-tickets.
  A Pass holder could have a seatreservation at a station for free while
  staying in the UK, making youinclided to refrain from trying costly
  online booking. However, it wouldbe tragic if you find in the UK that all
  the seats have been seserved forlong-distance sections.
 You could book a seat fo free on your Pass at a rail station in the UK until
 the previous day of the train.
 Advance booking is strongly recommended for the following sections
 (booking mandatory in the same of some of them).
  sections within London - Edinburgh (east trunk route)
  [mandatory for LNER] [Lumo cannot be used with a Pass]
 *エジンバラ~湖水地方方面 Edinburgh - Oxenholme
 *湖水地方(オクセンホルム)~ロンドンの直通列車Oxenholme - London
 *バース~ロンドン間Bath - London
 *北ウェールズとロンドンの直通列車North Wales - London
  Edinburgh - Inverness (only 3 coaches)
  long-distance trains bound for London onthe Sunday of the Bank
  Holiday Weekend(Notting Hill Carnival)
 You can book a seat for a Pass at a staffed national rail station aboutany
 national rail section, but the opening times of such windows are limited.
  Usually up to the privousday of your train except Sunday.
  Often available until a few hours before at the first station of tour train.
 Each seat usually shows if it is reserved (often a booked section as well).
 Since no distniction is made between coaches for reserved seats and
 coaches for non-reserved seats,you could have a seat without advance
 booking,except LNER trains etc.
  Some students in the past were unable to use their train because they
  had no reservation and all the vestibules were also full of passengers.

レールパスで Caledonian Sleeper の寝台に乗る場合:
Use a RailPass for Caledonian Sleeper
「ブリットレールパス用寝台券」(Pass Holder's Supplement)をスコットレ
 例えば6月等後日の購入でも可。寝台券はいの一番で対応を。Pass Holder's
 Supplement can be reserved one year in advance. Hurry up. You could
 buy a Rail Pass later, e.g. on June.
  Check the "supplement" box at the initial step of the purchace.
  るものを選ぶと1等のパスでないと乗れなくなります。Choose a room
  without a toilet & shower; otherwise you have to buy a first-class pass.
  You could reserveup to 8 peopleat the same time.
 *コーンウォール方面 Night Riviera はパス利用不可。
  You cannot use a RailPass for Night Riviera for Cornwall.
  The booking competition has already started.
 When you use a Pass for this train, your first day on the Pass is Friday.
  Thismeans this train only needs Friday's part of the Pass.
  You must separately pay for Cambridge-London on Thursday.
 Your pass should be stored on the mobile phone. Do "validation" after
 arriving in the UK, because you might have to cancel it due to rail strike.
 In the case of a Flexy Pass, you must input the day of use by yourself.
 You use twin rooms. If your group has members odd in number, one
 room is occupiedwith a single person nearly at double supplement fare.
  調整して下さい。A group with members odd in number must tolerate the
  higher cost or find another such group for adjustment.
  The cost increase due to the single use of the twin room could be split
  among all the members.
 One room should not be shared by two people of different sexes.
Caledonian Sleeper には座席車もありますが、セキュリティ上認めません。
 You should not reserve a seat (not a berth) of Caledonian Sleeper for
 security reasons.
ScotRail のHPで「パス用」寝台補助券が購入可です。
 You can buy a "berth supplement for a Pass holder" on ScotRail website.
  You tend to forget to buy a Pass later.
  行ってスマホに保存して下さい。Group leaders should buy supplements
  for all the members, but each member buys their Pass by themselves.
 You could order breakfast after boarding (10GBP as of 2024). Someone
 says it is better tobring in some food. You could order tea for the next
 morning for free.
 You could stay in your coach after arriving at Edinburgh until 8, but the
 electric outlet does't work. You could use Left Luggage on the platform
 (15GBP as of 2024). Some group says they used less expensive place
 outside the rail station but it looked unreliable.

予約の取れる列車と取れない列車:reservable & non-reservable trains
 Some trains are non-reservable.
 *例:London から Stratford-upon-Avon 方面、Glasgow~Edinburgh 間
  e.g.: London - Stratford-upon-Avon; Glasgow - Edinburgh; London
  suburban areas like Cambridge - Londo Kings Cross / Liverpool Street
 You cannot use LNER trains without reservation (though a Pass is OK).
 Lumo trains require reservation and a Pass cannot be used.

 Buying a ticket on the spot for Cambridge - London
以下すべて Kings Cross 行き Great Northern 社の列車の2等利用の場合。
 The following applies only to standard class of Great Northern trains
 bound for London Kings Cross.
Liverpool Street 行きは時間がかかります。Trains for London Liverpool
 Street takes more time than Great Northern trains for Kings Cross.
Kings Cross に隣接した St Pancreas International 駅経由 Brighton 行の列車
 がかなりありますが、これで St Pancreas International で降りても可です。
 Kings Cross とは歩いて1分です。Pay attention to services between
 Cambridge and Brighton via London St Pacreas International, which is
 one-minute walk from Kings Cross station.
割引切符の一部は Kings Cross 方面へ使えないでLiverpool Street 方面だけ有
 効の場合がありますので御注意ください。Discount tickets available at a
 vending machine are divided into two types: for London Kings Cross and
 London Liverpool Street. Don't buy a wrong one.
 *駅券売機では Liverpool Street の表示のあるグループでなく、any route
  permitted のグループから選んで下さい。If you are going to Kings Cross,
  don't choose any button in the "Liverpool Street" group. Choose a
  button in "any route permitted" group.
 片道でも34%引になるGroup Saveを購入。全員同一列車利用が条件です)。
 Since the regular tickets are expensive,Group Savetickets are better if
 there are 3 or members using the same trains and if your travel does not
 involve any hours before weekeday 9:30am (34% off).
 *これだとひとりで一度に払うので精算は面倒です。One problem is that one
  person pays for all the tickets and adjustment is troublesome.
  Group Save is often available for other nationalrail routes.
  If a large group, only available at tiket wondows.
Day Returnがお得(1人か2人のとき)。下記に適用の日帰り割引切符。
 Day Return is cheap (1 or2 persons) for a one day return trip.
 *平日(ロンドン着10:00以前と Kings Cross 発17:30-19:00は利用不可)
  Weekdays (no arrival at London before 10am / no departure between
  17:30 and 19:00)
 *券売機では該当列車に近い時間でないと発売しません。This ticket is
  available at the vending machine only close to the departure time.
  If a large group, only available at tiket wondows.
London Travelcardもお得。ロンドンの地下鉄込日帰り往復割引です。
 Day return including Travelcard for underground in London.
 *日帰りの場合これの方が Day Return より安いです。
  Cheper than a Day Return.
 *特に指定しなければ地下鉄の Zones 1-2 の一日券の機能が付きます。
  Unless otherwise you request, the default is Zones 1-2.
  With this ticket, you don't have to join a cue for underground.

 Travelcardかクレカで乗ります。It costs more than 5 GBP to buy a ticket
 with cash. Buses are available with a travelcard or a credit card.
クレカ決済 credit card
  は定額乗り放題。A credit card is the best payment method. You won't be
  chaged beyond the price of one day pass.
★Daily Travelcard
 *ケンブリッジからの日帰り往復でTravelvcard to London (Zones 1-2) を購入
  合は、クレカ決済が楽です。しかしZone 2を超えて乗る予定があるなら、ロ
  ンドン市内でこの Daily Travelcardを買ってもいいです。
  In the case of a daytrip from Cambridge to London, the best ticket is
  usually Travelcard to London (Zones1-2) but a credit card when you
  have a Pass for Cambridge-London. You could buy a Daily Travelcard at
  an underground station if you go beyond Zone 2.
  In the case of within Zones 1-2 or 4 rides would make it advantageous.
  This card is good for red buses within the relevant zone.
 *ゾーンにより運賃が違います。The fare depends on the zones.

【鉄道の切符に関する注意】notes on train tickets
乗り越し:missing a station
 You'll be penalized if you failt o show a good on inspection.
いわゆる乗り越しは御法度ということです。Missing a station is against rules.
 *ペナルティの額はかなり法外です。The penalty is extravagant.
 It is against rules to use a Pass without inputing the day of use. The
 automatic gate doesn't accept it.
駅窓口は開かないこともある:ticket counter opening hours
 Some stations open a ticket window only for peak hours.
  When the window is colsed, use a vending machine or pick up a voucher
  of station of embarkation.
 Cambridge station ticket window opening hours
 *月曜~土曜Monday to Saturday5:10-23:00
 *日曜日Sunday7:00-22:55(列車の予約は不可no seat reservation
  Since the windows are constantly busy, it is safer to be there at least 15
  minutes before the departure time of your train.
  Food and drink are sold at shops on the platform. From 6am on
  Saturday but closed on Sunday.
駅窓口には2種類あることがある:two typles of ticket windows
大きな駅では下記2つの窓口が別なことがあります。Large stations have:
 immediate travel(すぐ乗る人)とadvance booking(事前予約)

【旅程の工夫】useful routes
エジンバラ方面から帰路、ピーターバラからケンブリッジ方面への乗換が早い。 On the way from Edinbugh/York to Cambridge, changing at Peterborough
 is quicker than at London Kings Cross.
  Seat between Peterborough and Cambridge are reservable.
 *Stevenageで止まる列車からはケンブリッジ方面へ乗換えると早いことあり。  Sometimes changing from a train stopping at Stevenage is quick.
 ンブリッジの列車が早い「かも」。On the way back from Lake District /
 Liverpool, it might be advantageous to use a train connecting
 Birmingaham and Cambridge, avoiding London.
www.nationalrail.co.uk での乗継検索結果より、各区間に分けて見た方がよい
 乗継ぎ等が発見できることがあります。Sometimes better train changing
 pattern could be found when you refrain from making search of the whole
 section,searching two sections independently (www.nationalrail.co.uk).

 地図について maps

旅行プラン作成には地図があると便利です。Maps help your travel planning.
 Research the candidates of your accommodation to know how close to a
 rail station they are.
 It is easy to locate your destination along a street since lot numbers of
 houses are straightforwardly given along a street.
表札に番地を記した家が多いです。Many houses show their lot numbers.
 Make sure to obtain a route map with station names in preparation for a
 possible search for some specific rail station in the case of sudden change
 to replacement buses bound for different destinations.
英国全土から都市部詳細までの地図(地図上で絞り込む)detailed city map 
 A street map accepting a postcode or street names.
英国の鉄道路線図 British rail route map

 事前に知っておくべきことについて             preliminary knowledge

【全般】general(先輩方から from participants in the past)
 Small groups and fixed schedule are recommended for London.
 Otherwise, you will waste your time on the spot discussing what to do.
 I was at a loss which architecture and buildings were what in London, due
 to my failure to study them while I was in Japan.
 長い列、開館時刻前に並ぶ。Christian facilities are basically closed on
 Sunday. You should join a cue before opening time of Westminster Abbey.
  Buying online advance tickets makes you join a cue only for entrance,
  avoiding the cue for ticket purchace.
大英博物館 The British Museum:想像以上の規模。2時間では足らなかった。
 予約すべし。Larger than you imagine. It takes more than two hours.
V&A Museum:宝石の展示が素晴らしかった。Jewelry superb!
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum:神戸の震災の展示があり興味深い。
 Interested in exhibition of the earthquake in Kobe.
National Gallery:事前に調べて見たいと思った絵を写真に収めるので精一杯。
 The best I could was take photos of pictures I had decided to see.
セントポール大聖堂 St Paul's Cathedral:一番上まで行くと相当疲れるので早
 めに行く旅程に。You should visit there early in the moring because visiting
 the top floor is tiring.
マダムタッソー館 MadameTussauds:長い列、どうしても見る人は開館より充
 分早く行き並ぶ。Go there earlier than the opening time to avoid a cue.
キューガーデンズ Kew Gardens:途中から施設が少しずつ閉まりだすので早め
 に見学を。Maids of Honor のお土産タルトがおいしかった。
 Some sectionsstart to be closed before the closing time. Tarts at Maids of
 Honor are good.
ロンドンアイ London Eye:ただの観光用と思ったら夕暮の夜景が綺麗で感動。 The night view of the city is superb!
キングズクロス駅 Kings Cross station9.3/4番線にカートが設置されるのは
 午前9時。The cart is placed in front of the 9 3/4 platform at 9am.
ヨークミンスター York Minster:2時間いた。天井の高さとステンドグラスの
 美に驚いた。I stayed there for 2 hours. The high ceiling and the beauty of
 the stained glasses are breathtaking!
バッキンガム宮殿 Buckingham Palace:出口から衛兵交代式ある入口までかな
 It takes more time than expected (30 min) to move from the exit of the
 palace tothe entrance where the changing of the guard could be seen.
コッツウォルズ Cotswolds:バス僅少、タクシーも高く、地元発着ミニバンツア
 ーがよい。Poor buses. Taxis are expensive. A minivan tour is the best.
世界遺産バース Bath:とにかく美しかった。Beautiful!
オックスフォード:クライストチャーチ Christchurch at Oxford。予約なしだ
 と入れない。No enttance without reservation.
 の違いに、いささか恥ずかしさを感じた。Meseums exhibit Gogh or Picasso
 works without particular protection. I feel ashamed to know the cultural
 difference between Britain and Japan.
こだわりの地へはぜひ行くべきだ。Make sure to visit your sacred place.
  e.g. Abbey Road (the Beetles), Liverpool (football), Wimbledon (tennis)
クロテッドクリームがおいしかった!Clotted cream!
 Hotels and B&Bs were fully booked a couple weeks before leaving Japan.

【鉄道編】railway(教員から from the instructor)
ストライキ等:industrial actions
  Total cancellation or reduced timetable due to strikes and maintainance
  works are possible with a very short notice.
  An old stats say the likelyhood of a long-distance train being delayed by
  more than 20 minutes is 1/7.
  Take it into consideration when you make a travel plan that trains bound
  for London tend to be delayed by 20-30 minutes.
  You may come across a delayed train on the same track and at thesame
  time as your train.
  The track your train will depart from tends to be shown on an electiric
  bulletin board only a short while before the departure.
  The newtrack of your train is sometimes annouced on the platform
  shortly before the departure time.
接続:changing trains
  Trains neverwait beyond the scheduled time for passengers changing
  from a delayed service.
   Some participants in the past had to stay in a public phone box to
   avoid chill because of their failure to change trains. (In the UK, it is
   illegal to sleep overnight outdoors.)
運休:train cancellation
  Trains are often canceled on the spot for unbeievable reasons like driver
満席:fully booked
  Some trains are fully booked a few weeks before.