4)旅行準備 ---------prep for travel in the UK

2025年組の方々に有効になりました。Now good for 2025-gumi students.

 週末の過ごし方 Weekends in the UK

 現地研修期間中の週末は通例3回ありますが、2025年夏の旅行日は2週末になります(8/30(土)か8/31(日)、および9/5-7(金土日)の合計4日間)。最初の週末は現地に行ってからしかどちらになるかわかりませんので予約を伴う計画はできません。The program-in-UK period usually includes 6 free days (3 weekends), but in 2025 you happen to have only 4 days (2 weeks) due to calendar (Sat 30 or Sun 31 Aug and Fri5-Sun7 Aug). Since in the first weekend (8/30 or 8/31), it will only be clear after we get there which day will be a travel day.

まず大切なことは、週末旅行は皆さんが自己責任と追加費用負担のもとに行うものですので、担当教員は責任を持てません。手配方法や安全についての指導はしますが、清算等のトラブルは自己対応となります。The most important thing to understand is that you are totally responsible for weekend schedules/travel & possible accidents and obliged to pay addtionally for them, not the instructor,who will give you, though, practical and safety instructions.

 夜行列車 Caledonian Sleeper の寝台利用に限定(座席利用不可)
 You could leave for travel on the evening of Thursday of the 2nd
 weekend only ifyou pack in advance, have dinner in the college
 servery, depart led by the inctructor, and use a berth of Caledonian
 Sleeper (23:45 London Euston).  
 *そ日は旅行先に動して投宿は不可。You should not stay in a hotel.
 *ロンドン夜のミュージカルも不可。No evening musicals before the train.
 *KingsCross 駅で9-3/4ホームの見学もしません。No visitng 9-3/4 platform.
  Only 23:45 service, not 21:15 one.
 *座席車両の利用は認めません。No seating instead of a berth.
 *23:45便はエジンバラの他カーライルとグラスゴーにも。Thedestinations of
  the 23:45service include Edinburgh, Carlisle and Glasgow.
 *この他ロンドンパディントン駅発コーンウォール半島行きの Night Riviera
  You have to consult with the instructor inadvance if you want to use a
  berth of Night Riviera leaving LondonPaddington and bound for
  Cornwall knowing Britrail Pass is no good forthis train.

 You are required to be back on the train scheduled to arrive at Cambridge
 station by 21:30.
 *旅行帰還日はカレッジの門限を原則22:00とします。You must be back to
  the college by 22:00 on the day of return from your travel.
  せ下さい 。旅行に行かなかった方も旅行帰還日夜に無事のメールを下さい。
  The group leader should e-mail the instructor on the arrival at the
  college to inform him who have arrived safe. Those who did not travel
  are also requested to let him know they are safe by 22:00.

 You could stay in Cambridge on the weekends but you ought to eat out.

 You are only allowed to go out of Cambridge by themselves (in a group)
 only on traveldays.

 Some participants in the past say they should have explored Cambridge
 even on the weekends.

 旅行の条件 travel restrictions

 The following is abridged. See other travel pages for details.

 Submit your travel plan later following instructions on "travel preparation
 form", which is stored on Moodle.

 Don't stay in a hotel alone, but a pair of one male and one female is no
 good. Also aviod one male and one female sharing one room.

 Avoid one male and one female sharing one room on a sleeping train.

 Avoid being alone outdoors (one male and one female is no good).
  carry a mobile phone which receives overseas call (details elsewhere).
  You could be alone outdoors only in the daytime in Cambridge. A special
  exception is negotiable like family reunion.
  かい、一斉に18:00迄にチェックインして下さいAll the members to
  stay in thesame accommodation with the same booker must check in at
  the same time by 6pm.(6時以降は流される可能性が日本より高い。遅れそ
  うな時は施設に電話をAfter6pm your booking is more likely to be
  cancelled than Japan. Call the accommodation.)

 You could get back to Cambridge avoinding expensive overnight stay in a
 nearby city like London, but it is too hard for your health.

 に宿泊地、宿泊施設名、電話番号、予約名義を旅行直前の水曜までに連絡を。   Should your group decide to chnage the place of your overnight stay,
 make sure to let the instructor know the new place, accommodation,
 phone number and booker by Wednesday immediately before the travel.

 Travel is allowed only in Great Britain as an island. The only exceptions are
 islands connected to it with a bridge and the Isle of Wight.

 でください。You are not allowed to get out of Cambridge without a
 college staff member like PAs (Programme Assistants).

 Don't drive (you could rent a car after becoming 23-25 years old).

 Each travel group must prepare for everything in advance while in
 Japan by itself (except for seat reservation in Britain using Rail Pass).
 Each group has to book accommodations "directly" (with a credit card).
 「直接」なので下記のようなことです。By "directly" the following is meant:

 OK: the accommodation's own websystem/ e-mail / phone/ fax
   (OUT: if the browser screen is shifted to the top page of an
   independent booking site; OK: if shifted to the page of the site with
   the targetaccommodation only)
 OUT: use Japanese travel agencies or an accommodation booking site
    like booking.com fromthe beginning

Caledonian Sleeperでは、寝台は2名1室ですが男女同室はアウトです。ま
 One room accommodate two personson Caledonian Sleeper. One male
 coupled with one girl is not allowed.When your group consists of an odd
 number of students, you should findanother such group to book rooms
 together or, in the worst case, buyrooms with an odd number of
 students; in the latter case the CaledonianSleeperwebpage automatically
 books one room for one person (togetherwithother rooms for two) at a
 higher price than the per-person price oftheother rooms for two.
 *Caledonian Sleeper はhttps://www.sleeper.scot/で1年前から予約可能
  ブリットレールパスを後で買う人はroom supplementonly(パス所有者用の
  なかったときは翌日朝出発の列車の予約となり、日程がきつくなりますから、  寝台は全旅程合意前でも優先的に早めに予約して下さい
  You can book Caledonian Sleeper up to one year inadvance at
  https://www.sleeper.scot/. If you plan to buy Brit Rail Pass later, choose
  "roomsupplement only". You can buy a full ticket insead of Brit Rail
  Pass plusroom supplement but this option is quite costly. Make sure to
  book rooms even before the group members agree to the total
  itinerary, because it is already becoming difficult to book the rooms and
  you would have to book seats on the daytime train on the following day.

寝台以外の長距離列車を、パス利用を前提に日本から予約する方法があります。 「鉄道等の時刻・予約・地図」の「パスに組み合わせての指定券をオンラインで
 なのでこまめに調べて下さい)で手続きして下さい。You could also book
 seatson daytime long-distance trains in Japan coupled with a rail pass.
 You should have a look at the relevant secition of the "timetables,
 booking & maps" page around 12 weeks in advance (it is earlier
 depending on which trains we reserve seats.)

 旅行実現への流れ how to prepare for travel

 旅行計画は以下のペースを守りましょう。寝台予約は12月までに。有名観光地(特にエジンバラ)の宿泊予約は必ず1月のうちに。Keep the following pace in preparing for weekend travel: booking Caledonian Sleeper by December and accommodation in famous sightseeing spots by January.

【ストライキ対策】measures against railway strikes
 2023年夏、日本出発直前に現地鉄道ストライキが発表され、大変な旅程組みなおしを現地で行い、寝台もキャンセルしました。2024年夏は寝台キャンセルはないながら、旅程修正を迫られました。ある程度プランBを考えておく必要があります。金銭的損害も発生しますが、誰も補償してはくれません。また、宿泊をnon-refundableの割引料金で予約するといざストでキャンセルが必要になったとき返金ゼロになってしまいます。また、宿泊のキャンセル時の返金方法を各自確認しておいて下さい。担当教員はそこまで対応できません。In the summer 2023 we had to cancel sleeper train bookings and in 2024 we greatly changed our itinerary due to railway strikes (esp. LNER).We should have Plan B. No one compensates for our inconvenience.Avoid booking accommodation on a non-refundablebasis. See the cancellation & refund policy of your accommodation.

【旅行グループでは全員努力を】all travel members make eoffort
 Year after year the same kinds of accidents are repeated simply because some travel group members, leaving preparation to the other members, do not know basic facts about their travel.

★トラブル例(全て過去に実例あり) examples of trouble in the past
  The group members report to the instructor different
  accoppmodations and phone numbers, making the instructor
  bother to contact the members for correct info.
  Some group members leave for weekend trip without knowing
  much about their accommodation and informing their family of
  their phone number.
  A group member wonders where (s)he can locate his/her hotel
  after sightseeing apart from the other members.
  One member fails to get on/off the train, irritating others before
  they get together again.
  A memberseated apart from the other members, falling into
  asleep, fails to get off.

【準備手順】step by step
★ガイドブック購入 buy a guidebook
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★ガイドブック等予習 roughly read the guidebook(s) and books about the UK
 にエジンバラ~ヨーク間を。Read them by the first meeting.
中央図書館4階きゅうとコモンズ留学海外事情関係図書コーナー英国区画訪問  Visit the British shelves of the overseas / study-abroad section of floor 4 of
 the Kyudai central librarybefore the first meeting.
 See the instructor's HP "Travel Around the UK".
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★旅行グループ編成 form travel groups
 Form groupswithin the first few meetings. Greater mobility within 4
 persons and an even number of members prererable for sleeper trains.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★まとまった旅行指導 extensive instruction
 学習することになる。Intensive instruction givenNov-Decusing the 3 pages
 under "preparation for travel in the UK".
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★3日間の週末計画 plan for the 3-day weekend
 During Dec meetings, decide where to go with who.
・次に寝台利用なら予約を行う。Next,book Caledonian Sleeperif you use it.
・次第に旅程を詰め、2泊分の泊地を調査。Discuss details and two nights' stay.
・残りの詰めをど進めるか打合せる。Discuss how to proceed after this.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★3日間の週末の泊地検討と訪問先の勉強 accommodations and destinations
 勉強をする。In the winter vacation, discuss the 3-day weekend
 accommodations and study your destinations beyond the guidebooks.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
3連休泊地予約と別週末の準備 book accommodations for 3-day weekend
 and prep for the other weekend(s)
 Within January, book accommodations for the 3-day weekend.
 During Jan meetings, form groups for the other weekend(s) to discuss.
 In the final Jan meeting, agree on how to proceed during spring vacation.

 *放置はいけませんよ。Make a good use of the spring vacation.
  Harry Potter studio needs 2-6 hours depending on how much interested
  you are. Don't everybody put their bags in the same lockerand get
  together on the way back, so thatquicker people may leave there
  earlier. Don't forget to get together later before cheking in your hotel.
  Start booking musicals ASAP to get better seats.
  You often needbooking online for museums free of charge.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
旅程確定all itineraries fixed
 Fix all theitineraiesby mid-March.
 Finish booking allaccommodations, plays & musicals, bus tours, Harry
 Potter Studio etc.by late March.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
「旅行準備状況」提出 submit travel preparation form
3月末を締切にムードルへ提出。To Moodleby the end of May.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
レールパス関連 Rail Passes
 Decidein April or Maywhich to buy, Rail Passes or regular tickets.
 *寝台をroom supplement onlyで購入した方はブリットレールパス利用です。
  The holders of "room supplement" for Caledonian Sleeper must buy Brit
  Rail Pass.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓

★レールパス、通常切符購入手配 buying Rail Passes or regular tickets
 Buy Rail Passes in May online (see "railway/ticket/booking/map" page for
 details)in May.
・通常切符の場合は利用12列車予約に合わせて natinalrail のHPから(別ページ参照)。
 In the case of regular tickets, buy them at the nationalrail HP together
 with train reservations. See "railway/ticket/booking/map" page for details.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
列車時刻確認・旅程修正 train time check & itinerary amendment
 Train times are made public12weeks in advance. You ought toleave
 non-scheduled asmany weekend days between lateMay and the end of
 Juneas possiblesothat you may have emergencygroup meetings.
  In 2019 irregularities like Kings Cross station closure were announced.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★「旅行準備状況」提出 submit travel preparation form
6月の指定締切までに提出。By some designated deadlinein June.
  ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓   ↓
★「旅行準備状況」最終版提出 submit final travel preparation form
7月中旬の指定締切までに提出。By some designated deadline inmid-July.

 特別な注意:銀行休日とミリタリー・タトゥ     special attention: bank holiday & Military Tattoo

【銀行休日】bank holiday weekend
 2025年8月25日(月)は銀行休日で(スコットランドを除く)23-25日は Bank Holiday Weekend 3連休、日本のGW並に混むそうです。この週末の湖水地方などは大渋滞でバスが麻痺し、宿も4ヶ月前でも満予約で料金が上がり、2連泊以上でないと予約を受け付けないというところも多いです。それでその週にケンブリッジ外へ出かける旅行を設定しないことにしています。
25 Aug, 2025 is a Bank Holiday in the UK (except Scotland) (you have your schedule in college), making 23-25 Aug something like Japan's GW. The instructor keeps this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) as within- Cambridge days. He hears that traffic jam causes buses in places like the Lake District seriously delayed, and that accommodations there have high rates, often ban one night's stay, and are often fully booked even 4 months before.

【ミリタリー・タトゥ】Military Tattoo
In 2025, the show is 1-23 Aug and therefore is not available for us. The following is 2019 info (only in Japanese) for participants in the past.

 旅行情報 travel information

 Have a look at the instructor's HP "Travel Around the UK".
英国政府観光庁 Visit Britain
 宿泊施設も含め凄い情報量 voluminous / includes accommodation info
ジャパンセンター Japan Centre
 ロンドンで日本食品入手可 a lot of Japanese food products available
各都市の気温 temperatures in the UK
観光地の航空写真 photographs of sightseeing spots from the sky