This page is good for the 2025 program.(3/23/2024)(Revied7/10/2024)
どのような研修?What kind of program is it?
科目(現地研修後の後期2単位)です。Succeeful participants will be given
2 credits for "Academic English: Intensive Seminar".
Established by Professor(-Emeritus) Minoru HIROTA in 1996.
★遊びではありません。英語を何とかする、人生を見つめ直すと、志を高く掲げた 学生達が、事前研修から研鑽を積んで成長し、貴重な仲間を得る大事業です。
This program is suitable for those who want to enhance their English
proficiency and think profoundly about their future. They start with prior sessions before the main session in Cambridge, gradually getting mature and developing friendship with other well-motivated participants.
★準備期間は忙しいです。お楽しみ旅行とは全く違います。打ち込む覚悟が必要。 The participants are expected to devote themselves to the whole steps
including prior sessions.
★研修の申込は、8-9月の現地研修の前年5-8月に受け付けます(2025年組については再募集になった場合10月25日まで延長します。詳しくはcustom6.htmlへ)。Application is accepted from May to August of the previous year of visiting the UK.Regarding recruitment in 2024, the final application day will be postponed to 10/25 if there are fewer applicants than the bare minimum number of applicants than 23 as of 9/1.
詳細は上記メニューから「0)◆申込の方々へ 」または下記URLへ。
For details, see 「0)◆申込の方々へ」link from the menu above or
説明会・申込み briefing session / application
★4月下旬に説明会(briefing session)が伊都地区で開催されます(申込上の義務ではありませんがぜひおいで下さい。HPでは雰囲気が伝わりません)。
・4/23/2024(Tue)16:40-17:40 venue TBAdone
・4/24/2024(Wed)16:40-17:40 venue TBAdone
*Make sure to reload this page every time you visit it to renew it.
-------------------------------------★申込みは上記メニューから「0)◆申込の方々へ 」または下記URLへ。
For application, see「0)◆申込の方々へ」link above or