◆0)参加者の方々へ -----to accepted participants
2025年組の方に有効になりました。Now good for 2025-gumi students.
・今後は随時「1)合格通知後にすること」(custom8.html) から「9)帰国後の
こと」(custom21.html) までを参照しながら事前研修に参加し、現地研修の準
備をして下さい。From now on, make a preparation for the UK part of this
program through the prior sessions while looking at pages from "合格通知
後にすることwhat to do after being chosen (custom8.html)" to "帰国後にす
ること afteryou come home (custom21.html)".
ください。Each page has a notice in blue at the top part regarding for
which year's students the page is good for (remember those students to
visit in the 202X are called "202X-gumi").