---宿泊施設の選定・予約 accommodations/booking
2025年組の方々に有効になりました。 Now good for 2025 students.
概要 main explanation
【直接手配を】direct booking★自分たちで調べて直接宿泊施設とやりとりをして予約して下さい。
Search foryour accommodations by yourselves and book them with direct
communication with them.
Inconcrete, via their own official website, e-mail, fax or phone.
ル予約業者サイトのトップページに飛ぶ場合は不可)。When you are
forwarded to the webpage of the booking site banned below, you should
not use it if you are forwarded to the top page of the booking site and
you could use it if you are forwarded to the page only showing your
target accommodation only without any tothers.
★鍵のかかる個室利用に限ります。You may onlybook an individual "room"
(not shared with stranger(s))with a lock.
Avoid booking an expensive hotel which a Japanese travel agency
recommends to you.
B&B or reasonably pricedhotels recommended. Too cheap ones have
some problem.
*Bed & Breakfast は英国特有の綺麗な民宿で一生一度は泊まってほしいです。
B&B is a family-run inn looking like a private house.
Some B&Bs are just small hotels without a farden. Make a research.
You shouldnotlook for your accommodation on the website of a booking
agency. You canonly use it in the case above where you are forwarded
from your targetaoccommodation's official website to the agency's page
that only showsthat accommodation.
*これまでのトラブルの例:examples of troubles
You arebooked for different dates from your original plan.
When you asked youraccommodation toconfirm the days of your
stay, they only told you to contact the booking site.
(カード払いを選択すべきでした)You chose to pay on the day of arrival
but the accommodation told to you to pay in advance. (Prepayment is
always a good idea.)
Onarrival, you found your booking was made by somebody else. You
needed a lot of time to solve the problem.
You areprohibited to use Youth Hostelsfor security reasons.You'll
only have beds, not a room.
*Hostel と名のついたところは避けて下さい。
Avoid any place named "hostel".
Homestay (like Airbnb) is not allowed. Consult with the instrutor if you
want to stay with your relatives.
See the outlook of various accommodations for comparison.
*Google Street Viewで周囲が危なそうなところかチェックするのもよいです。
See the street near accommodations for security of the area using
Google Street View.
If you book an accommodation at anon-refundable cheap rate, you will
have no refund in cases like itinerary change due to a railway strike. Make
sure tocheck the refund policyof your accommodation. Avoid an
accommodation whose refund policy is unclear.
★2人部屋Room for two persons
A room for two persons are usually "double", not a "twin". Be careful.
Find out check-in and check-out time and curfew of your accommodation.
Make sure to get to your accommodation before 6pm.
Find out the curfew of your accommodation before going out.
Usually the breakfast starts at8:30am at a B&B. Earlier departure
might be a nuisance to the hostfamily. If you are planning to leave
early, make sure to discuss it with thehost family about the timing of
payment anda paossible packedbreakfast etc.
【予約にあたって】notes on booking
If you book your accommodation via e-mail, you may be asked to make a
partial or total payment with a credit card.
In that case, let them know your credit card information on request.
It is safer to divide your info into a few messages (especially your card
number should be divided), although this is nowadays not safe enough.
Take a still safer option if available.
If you are asked to send money via international postal order, refrain
from using that accommodation.
★現住所の申告についてyour present postal address
If asked, let them know your current postal address (rarely asked in
reality) and your mobile number good in the UK (if you have), saying
you are in Japan but stay in Pembroke from 24 Aug.
◎e.g. Taro YAMADA (Kyushu University), c/o IP Office, Pembroke
College, Univ. of Cambridge CB21RF, UK; +81-90-XXXX-YYYY.
It is better tomake a payment in advance with a credit card rather than
pay in cash during your stay, since the UK is a "card" society and
prepayment isa safer option tosecure your booking.
You areprohibited from booking your accommodation during your travel.
That is because itinerary change should be notified to the instructor by
Wednesday immediately before the weekend travel.
Don't choose an accommodation that is too cheap (especially in suburban
areasof London, so called "dangerous" areas).
Actually somefemale students got back to such an accommodation in
the middle of the night after enjoying a musical and were so much
scared by dangerous atmosphere. In addition, the main entrance was
locked and they threw a stone to a window!
Probably you should avoid accommodations of, say, 50GBP.
If you choose to pay with your credit card during your stay, you may have
to pay in cash should the card reader of your accommodation happens to
be out of order.
のところがあり、セキュリティに若干問題があります。予約時注意書の確認を。 Some accommodations arenot staffedand requires you to make a phone
call on arrival to be informed of the key number for the lock of the
entrance door. This type of accommodations are less safe than staffed
ones. In addition, the staff will only come in the morning and early
departure may be difficult. Make sure to read all the information of each
candidate accommodation before booking to see if it is of this type.
Some students in the past experienced a hotel where the same key opens
more than one room.
Book your accommodations by March (Edinburgh by December).
初旬の時点で2016年8月26日(金)の予約率が70%台と切迫していました。 Some booking website (which you should not use) once said more than
70% of their rooms in Edinburgh for Friday 26 Aug 2016 had been
booked as of early Nov 2015.
て事前精算しておくと楽です。Payment should be done by the member who
books. You'd better adjust the cost among members on the basis of the
credit card statement before leaving Japan.
*「現地通貨で現地で精算する」件数をなるべく減らした方が現地でラクです。 Adjustment of any cost within the group on the basis of GBP in the UK is
Some B&Bs accept no credit card (rare) and some hotels accept no cash.
In the past, some students were told by a receptionist that their names
had not been on the list of guests.
Therefore, youmust take evidential documentswith you.
In once case, a student's name was wronly given on the list: given &
宿泊施設の種類 types of accommodation
★通常のホテル:ordinary hotels・朝食時間や内容は地方によってばらばら。Breakfast hours depend on areas.
7am at city hotels, but usually far later on Sunday.
・いわゆる民宿。おススメ。朝食は 8:30 からが普通です。早出の場合は前日に清
ろもあります。Usually family-run. Recommendable.Breakfast usually from
8:30am. If you have to leave earlier, have communication with them in
advance. In most cases, you could leave early by skipping breakfast or by
picking up a packed breakfast if they agree.
・Hotel と名乗っていても実態が B&B のところもあります。逆も真なり。
Some "hotels" are B&B in reality, and vice versa.
★Guest Houses:
・B&B を少し高級にした感じの所も。区別のないことも。Some guest hotels
aregenerally more sophisticated but in many cases no difference.
★廉価ホテルチェーン:economical hotel groups
You may use the online booking on the group booking websites below, but
many of them aren't within a walking distance from a national rail station.
Advance booking offers you lower prices but usually nonrefundable.
Usually the tariff does not include breakfast. The price is usually based on
the number of rooms, not the number of guests.
Edinburgh in August could be 4 time as costly as in other months.

宿泊施設利用上の注意 pay attention !
★ホテル等からの予約確認書や領収書等を必ず持参して下さい。Take the evidential document of booking to your accommodation.
Hotels usually do not have a wash cloth, a tooth brush and toothpaste.
Many accommodations offer a shower instead of a bath.
★到着が18時を過ぎるときは当日電話連絡する方が安全です。When your
check-in time is likely to be later than 6pm, make a phone call.
Make sure to keep the phone number of your accommodation. No-show
cancellation decision is generally earlier in the UK.
Some accommodations tell you you have not been booked if they have
cancelled your booking to accept an unexpected guest.
Ontain a map around your rail stations and accommodations.
You need maps to select your accommodations and get to them.
*グーグルマップの他英国の街地図:other maps than Google
You can search this for any street names in the UK.
Houses can be easily found because they are located on a street in the
order of theirlot numbers in the UK.
予約サイト booking website
★予約業者サイトや民泊紹介サイトは利用しないで下さい。トラブル頻発です。Don't use online booking sites or Airbnb sites.